The Holistic RN Podcast

The Holistic RN

Jenna Colelli
I have been an RN for 7 years with a passion for holistic and alternative health methods. I believe that health comes from actively supporting yourself - mind, body, emotions, and spirituality - in order to live your best life. This podcast seeks to educate as many people as possible on how to take control of your own health through diet, physical activity, and other alternative health methods. Several weeks will include interviews with guests who will speak about their specialty.
Episode 15: New Year... New You?!
It’s 2019! It’s a new year and an opportunity for a fresh start... which often translates to fad diets and promises we continually break to ourselves. This year I’m approaching it differently. This episode will share how I plan to approach the new year... and you can, too!
Jan 2, 2019
25 min
Episode 14: Crystals and Oils
This episode features a fellow oiler and friend, Lauren Young, sharing her passion for crystals. She explains what crystals are, how she uses them, and provides examples of which crystals you can pair with with oil or oil blend. She also speaks of her latest creative endeavor! To reach Lauren, you can contact her via: Facebook - Lauren Elizabeth Young Instagram - @essential.unicorn or @monsterbabycreations
Nov 28, 2018
34 min
Episode 13: My Holiday Survival Toolkit!
The holidays are fast approaching - seriously, where did this year go??? - and aside from the large meals and the normal hustle and bustle, the holidays can be super stressful and often leave us feeling completely wasted when they're all over! This episode will focus on various ways that you can support yourself - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually - in order to have the BEST holiday season ever and not be completely depleted when the holidays are through.
Nov 21, 2018
37 min
Episode 12: Reiki with practitioner, Gema Hong
This episode features Reiki practitioner, Gema Hong. She will describe what Reiki is, how it works, and how it can support our health. She also discusses oils she uses to enhance her Reiki practice. You can contact Gema via the following: Phone: 908-315-8167 Facebook Page: Reiki with Gema
Nov 14, 2018
28 min
Episode 11: Overcoming Challenges to Live Your Best Life
Today's guest, Echo Summer Hill, graciously shares details about her difficult childhood, her journey of sobriety, the creation and development of her brand, and her latest endeavor! Hear all about the challenges she faced as a child and young adult and how she overcame them and you can, too! If you wish to contact Echo directly, you can email her at: [email protected].
Nov 7, 2018
1 hr 4 min
Episode 10: Chiropractic Care with Dr. Staci Avakian
My interview with Dr. Staci Avakian-McManus covers what chiropractic care is and how it will affect your overall health and wellness. As a fellow oil friend, we also discuss the use of Young Living products and how it has enhanced her health and the health of her family. To connect with Staci, you can do one of the following- Facebook: Staci Avakian-McManus Website: Phone: 856-690-8883
Oct 31, 2018
40 min
Episode 9: All About Yoga & Chakras
This episode features my special guest and friend, Emily Musika. She is a certified yoga instructor and provides basic information on the practice of yoga, how to get started, what chakras are, and how chakras affect the health of our body.
Oct 24, 2018
32 min
Episode 8: Pregnancy and Home Birth
Have you ever thought about a more natural pregnancy or even having a home birth? Most women I speak with don't even realize this is an option! Today's guest, Annie Hauser, talks all about her last pregnancy with daughter, Mila, and her home birth experience. To get in touch with Annie, you can contact her via the following: Instagram: anniehauserc Blog:
Oct 17, 2018
46 min
Episode 6: What is the Solution for Living Naturally?
You've heard me talk all about the chemicals you should avoid and are scratching your head wondering how on earth natural living is even possible! Well, I found a solution and I'm going to share my secret with all of you right here!
Oct 10, 2018
34 min
Episode 7: Getting Savvy About Skincare and Makeup!
This episode features an interview with Young Living leader, Marissa Samit - my personal skincare and makeup guru 😉 She will discuss why its important to take care od your skin and review several Young Living skincare products. She will also speak about the amazing Savvy Minerals Makeup line! If you are interested in learning more about Marissa or getting in contact with her, go to
Oct 10, 2018
39 min
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