Ummmm... we didn't get to any of your questions on this episode because we talked about many subjects that are prominent in the CrossFit community at the moment.
Semifinals, competitions, what CrossFit is doing right and wrong, and the BIG one, "why are athletes getting burnt out" and not wanting to compete in CrossFit anymore?
Sponsored by RESN Hydration: Discount Code "BIGBecca"
May 12
47 min
Are you a cold weather person or a warm weather person? NOW STOP THAT MADNESS AND GET TO TRAINING!!!!
Also... should you make your bed in the morning?
Questions We Answered:
What is something and “intermediate” athlete should focus on to advance?
Prenups yes or no
Random hidden talent
On an average day, how many pigeons do you think you could reasonably carry?
Apr 15
44 min
Time to kick off the 2024 season! We are ready! Chat with us about how the season rolls and how we feel about the first stage of competition, "The Open". Also, zepplins...
Questions We Answered:
Any coaching/advice for athletes competing in their first Open
What is a favorite part of a workout routine?
Most annoying thing you deal with as a coach
What do you do with all your comp freebies?
What athletic accomplishment are you most proud of?
Every thought of doing stand up comedy in Becca style?
What podcast would want to be on?
Mar 3
43 min
Uhhhhhh. Well this got awkward. Enjoy this Freaky Thursday with your two favorite hosts Becca and Matt???
RESN Hydration: "Code "BIGBecca"
Questions we Answered:
What is your height and weight?
Why did you start working out?
Respectfully why are your eyes like that (charming)? Is it an ethnicity thing?
How does your significant other coach you? My wife hates when I try to coach/help her?
What is your favorite lift?
I love your armpit! It’s sexy
What do you look like coaching 5am class?
Do arm wrestling match?
Best training tip for Obese people in CF
For us new followers, whats with the whole mismatch shoe thing?
How is the cold in Texas?
Do you like peanut butter?
A tip for someone who wanna be like you?
Why Should I Start CF?
Feb 18
54 min
Ya, you read the title. What is going on at BOLT! While we figure out that, enjoy another episode of the No Regrets Podcast with Matt, Becca, and BLITZ!
Tattoo Tour?
How many Pairs of Socks does Matt Own?
Do you and Matt plan to have kids in the future?
How do you prep your mind for competitions?
What is the most random fact you know?
Jan 29
43 min
It's post WODAPALOOZA! We can't believe how close we are to entering the 2024 CrossFit season! Relive each event and memory from Wodapalooza with us on this episode!
Jan 21
55 min
GUess you'll have to listen and find out!!
Jan 4
42 min
Lil different epsiode! As we approach 2024, one thing that we are getting real excited for is to step out on that competition floor again. WZA 2024 is our next stop for competition and we are celebarting by sharing all our comeptition memories from last year!
Dec 24, 2023
54 min
So when is the right time to ask your gym crush out? Don't worry... Matt and Becca have all the answers and tips for you.
Questions We Answered:
What’s your motivation?
How many times a week should a games athlete train?
Can you please lower the shipping cost on your merch?
Do I ask my CF crush on a date before or after I PR?
Any advice for squatters to improve their pulling strength?
You don’t get angry at Matt while he’s coaching you?
What if I feel like I love CF and really really want to compete, but some days I feel like I suck at it
Would you be open to do a collab video at wodapalooza?
How much do you weigh? You lift so heavy, so proud of you
What does a non CF day look like for you?
Sense! The earth is the 3rd planet from the sun, does that make every country on it a 3rd world country
Not question, but dude see if you can audition for the grinch as one of the whoville people
Do you have a job besides CrossFit and posting on social media?
What’s the worst present ever received?
What song was your most repeated play this year?
Dec 17, 2023
55 min
I got you a Christmas present... well, 3 of you! Listen to the episode to see how you can win a Polar Verity Sense and learn all the important things you need to know about fitness, Matt, Becca, and BLITZ!
Questions we answered:
Hey Matt, Becca & Blitz! Becca, how are you on a bulk and not losing your abs or any muscle definition? Isn’t that usually what happens when you eat all those carbs? Then go on a cut later?
What do you plan doing when your career is over >35 YO
Question for both of you. If a girl/hero was named after you, what would it be?
How do you make your protein coffee?
You’ve mentioned that Matt looks for the best deals in protein powder, so which is the best? Rank your top 3
Do you take pre-workout?
What are you looking at in this picture?
For Matt, Can I take you out on a date? You are incredibly beautiful
Star Wars vs. Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings
Which apps do you use to edit videos?
Would you dare to do a triathlon?
I don’t have a question… just hope you are doing well?
Favorite Taco Spot
Are you affiliated with any brands? If so can we know which ones?
Would love to hear about your gymnastics background. Fave apparatus etc.
Is there a chance you would come visit us in Italy? We have amazing beaches!!
How long are you planning on competing?
IF! Money doesn’t grow on tree, then why do banks have branches?
Coach Jen’s Question of the Week:
Is soup something you eat or drink?
What is your favorite soup
Dec 3, 2023
46 min
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