Uhhhhhh. Well this got awkward. Enjoy this Freaky Thursday with your two favorite hosts Becca and Matt???
RESN Hydration: "Code "BIGBecca"
Questions we Answered:
What is your height and weight?
Why did you start working out?
Respectfully why are your eyes like that (charming)? Is it an ethnicity thing?
How does your significant other coach you? My wife hates when I try to coach/help her?
What is your favorite lift?
I love your armpit! It’s sexy
What do you look like coaching 5am class?
Do arm wrestling match?
Best training tip for Obese people in CF
For us new followers, whats with the whole mismatch shoe thing?
How is the cold in Texas?
Do you like peanut butter?
A tip for someone who wanna be like you?
Why Should I Start CF?