Gradually Well Podcast

Gradually Well

Mariah Chante
There are so many of us who haven’t paid attention to our health until something went wrong and there’s a lot of us who didn’t know a health issue ran in the family because nobody ever talked about it! Well we want to change that narrative. Here at Gradually Well, we believe that talking about our health and wellbeing is the first step in gaining the tools to live a healthy lifestyle. We also believe in embracing your own process. Well-being ambassador, Mariah Wilson walks you through the science behind changing habits, wellness practices, and redefining what a healthy lifestyle looks like for YOU! Best of all, our conversations will feel like talking to your friend that you know won’t judge you for not knowing something. Tune in each week to join the conversation!
How to start living a healthy lifestyle: 3 tips for beginners, restarting goals
So you’ve made the decision to start being healthier, congratulations! It’s always a big deal and worth celebrating when you decide to change your life, even if it seems like it’s a small change. I think it’s safe to say that change isn’t always easy, even when it’s a positive change. So in today’s episode, we review 3 tips that can help you stick to your goal especially if you’re a beginner or have recently decided to try again with a previous goal.   Follow Mariah:   IG:   Youtube:    [email protected]  
Apr 6, 2023
36 min
Dealing with change: your health journey, accountability, & self-awareness
Ever feel like you have been working on the same health goal for years?   I remember a time where whenever I was getting back into my workout routine, it centered around losing weight. I would go through periods of gaining weight and losing weight and got to the point where I accepted that that’s what working out was there for…it keeps my weight in check. But then I asked myself, why I could never seem to stay at a comfortable weight? Why wasn’t my progress something I was able to maintain? In today’s episode, host Mariah Chante discusses how you may be struggling with seeing your health and wellness goals through. It can be easy to get caught up in the progress you have or have not made, but it’s important to remember that that’s not where the journey ends. Watch for some insight and tips on how you can see your goals through! Business and Life coach mentioned: Courtney L. Sanders as found on youtube   Follow Mariah: IG: Youtube:   [email protected]
Mar 15, 2023
24 min
What You Should Know About Self-Love
Does self-love just sound like a buzzword? That’s probably because the way we see self-love represented on social media tends to focus on glamorous investments and external things. While this is one way self-love can be represented, actually loving yourself is much deeper than “treating” yourself. In today’s episode, host Mariah Chante discusses why self-love culture is misguided! We talk through what self-love actually is and how you can be better at loving yourself!   Intimacy Expert mentioned: Shan Boodram   Follow Mariah: IG: Youtube:  [email protected]
Feb 28, 2023
30 min
You Can Have It All!
Ever wonder if there’s a better way to keep up with all of your responsibilities? In today’s episode, we talk all about balance! If you ever feel overwhelmed or frustrated with trying to keep up with everything going on in your life, then this episode is for you. We talk about what balance is, the struggles when it comes to finding balance , and how to find your perfect balance!  Podcast mentioned - Redefining Wealth Podcast   Follow Mariah   IG:   Youtube:    [email protected]
Feb 10, 2023
27 min
Episode 10: Physical Wellness- Getting fit, staying active, and eating well
I bet you could probably tell me a couple reasons why it’s important to take care of your body. In fact, most people know they should take care of themselves, but have a really hard time actually doing it. Why is that? In this last episode of the What Is Wellness series, Mariah answers this exact question and walks you through how to get started with prioritizing your physical wellness.   @Natural.medicine.index - IG quote mentioned came from this page   Follow Mariah IG:   Youtube:    [email protected]
Feb 2, 2023
27 min
Episode 9. Intellectual Wellness - How To Be Smart, Being A Life Learner, and Getting Educated
Intellectual wellness is for EVERYONE! It all comes down if you’re willing to keep learning. In this week’s episode we talk about what intellectual wellness is, how the host, Mariah likes to develop her intellectual wellness, and how you can too! How are you going to be working on your intellectual wellness!   Follow Mariah IG: Youtube:  [email protected]  
Jan 26, 2023
23 min
Episode 8: Spiritual Wellness - Faith, Spirituality, & Misconceptions
What does spirituality mean to you?    The truth is while spiritually can look different from person to person it usually represents a person’s connection to purpose and meaning. From the “woo woo” person to the devout saints, spiritual wellness can be powerful! This episode discusses what spiritual wellness is, some misconceptions about spirituality, and how spiritually has played a role in the host, Mariah’s life. Follow Mariah IG: Youtube:  [email protected]   TikTok User Referenced: @lorensharice   Sound Healing  and my sister, N’Dea’s IG:
Jan 18, 2023
30 min
Episode 7: Financial Wellness - Getting Started With Money Management & Setting A Foundation For Beginners
Does talking about finances ever feel overwhelming? There are so many factors that contribute to financial stress to the point where lots of people don't even want to talk about being better with money habits! Well, in today's episode, Mariah walks you through a non-technical, no-pressure conversation about financial wellness and how to begin without all the overwhelm. Follow Mariah: IG: Youtube:  [email protected] Resources: Balanced Black Girl Episode mentioned:  Bola Sokunbi's website:  Shows mentioned: Opportunity Knocks on PBS Get Smart With Money on Netflix  
Dec 23, 2022
38 min
Episode 6: Occupational Wellness - Career Goals, Workplace Wellness,  Loving Your Job, Hating Your Job, & Quitting Your Job
What's more important, liking your job because of the work you do or how your job makes you feel? In today's episode we dive into what occupational wellness is and how it really is the key in choosing a career path that you enjoy. Whatever you do for work, a 9-5, work as an entrepreneur, or are a stay at home mom, knowing what exactly it is that you like and dislike about your job and how it's impacting you is important. Occupational wellness is just one of the 8 dimensions of wellness, but like any other dimension, it can impact all the other dimensions if you're not mindful and intentional about your work.    Follow Mariah IG: [email protected]    Listen to episode 1 to hear more of my story:   Chrsytal Evans Hurst podcast episode that inspired some of this episode:   Aisha Beau podcast episode that inspired some of this episode:   
Dec 15, 2022
38 min
Episode 5: Social Wellness: Building Community and Friendships As Adults
Developing new, adult friendships can be hard to navigate. We oftentimes feel too busy to add anything new to our lives, yet there's still this desire to feel connected. In this episode we talk about building community in away that is not only time efficient, but helps you be able to see relationships for what they are! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!   Contact: Insta: @itsmariahchante TikTok: @itsmariahchante Email: [email protected]
Nov 29, 2022
27 min
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