You're Making It Worse
You're Making It Worse
Starburns Audio
You're Making It Worse
Starburns Audio
Although ​performing ​stand-up comedy ​was what initially united ​Eliot, Brent, and H. Alan over 10 years ago​, it’s their ​openness ​(​and ​sense of humor) about feeling ​totally ​lost ​and disconnected from the gay community that’s truly bonded them. ​On YMIW, ​Eliot, Brent and H. Alan get down and dirty, exploring the ​good, bad, and ugly ​tropes of contemporary gay life, often the stuff that no one -- especially ​​​straight people -- discuss for fear of being labeled homophobic. (Don’t worry. ​They’ll do that for you.) Each episode features ​a special guest ​-​- comedians, humorists, musicians, influencers, film/TV writers, journalists, politicians, etc. - as well as allies, enemies, and acquaintances from all backgrounds and professions, not just those in the public eye. And as white​, urban-dwelling ​gay ​dudes in their ​thirties, Eliot, Brent and H. Alan​ check their own privilege at the door, eager to ​instead explore what life looks ​for those not afforded the same concessions.
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May 16
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