New Moms, New Babies: Tips, Tricks, Sanity Savers
New Moms, New Babies: Tips, Tricks, Sanity Savers
Real Moms. Real Stories. A weekly podcast by new moms, for new moms with tips, tricks and sanity savers on sleeping, feeding, crying and more! Guests include, doctors, pediatricians, authors, experts on child seat safety, strollers, baby carriers, activities and more! Friendly advice, various perspectives and relevant information to get you through those first years.
Babies and Mommies On The Go - NMNB Ep47
Babies and Mommies on the go – things you don’t leave home without! What’s in the diaper/baby bag? What should be in your bag? Two smaller bags or one “mother load” bag? Are emergency items stashed in the car? What could this emergency stash include? Plus, this week’s Mommy Matters.
Feb 1, 2011
29 min
Baby Shoes - NMNB Ep46
What’s so important about shoes? What shoes conform best to your baby's foot? Hard sole or soft shoes… Why? Are boys' shoes different from girls'? How to know if a shoe fits correctly? Will you have to pay more for recommended shoes? What about Crocs?
Jan 31, 2011
24 min
Preserving Memories of your Babies - NMNB Ep45
How are you preserving those special moments, photo books, video, blogging, etc. This week's panel share the ways they are holding onto those special moments. Plus, offer some easy idea you can try. And, more Mommy Matters.
Jan 10, 2011
27 min
Total Toy Takeover - NMNB Ep44
Melissa and Doug wooden toys, or plastic toys? Which toys are great and which not so great? How many toys are too many toys? Some ideas about where to store them, rotating them, and what are "toy trades"? And, this week's Mommy Matters!
Dec 29, 2010
32 min
Keeping Breastfeeding Going - NMNB ep43
We know long term breastfeeding is a wonderful thing for both mom and baby but how can you keep it through the inevitable and welcomed changes, through the night, adding solid foods, and going back to work. RN, MPH, IBCLC, Rose deVinge-Jackiewicz is this week's breastfeeding expert.
Nov 5, 2010
39 min
Preventing Flat Head Syndrome - NMNB Ep42
What is and what causes plagiocephaly or flat head syndrome? Can it be something serious? What should you do if your baby's head seems to be developing a flat spot? What does cranial orthotic therapy involve? What questions and options should you discuss with your pediatrician? Dr. Frederick Johnson, Chief of Pediatrics at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital, is this week's expert.
Oct 19, 2010
20 min
Colic, Reflux, Acid Reflux, GERD: What are the Signs and Symptoms? - NMNB Ep41
As many as 1 in 10 babies has colic. What is colic and how is it different than acid reflux or GERD? What are the signs and symptoms of each and why it is so hard to distinguish between them? What medications can be used in treating colic, acid reflux or GERD? Plus, simple things you can do at home to help with colic or a fussy baby. Dr. Michael Nelson, pediatrician at Kaiser Permanente is this weeks expert and answers our questions.
Aug 18, 2010
38 min
Safe Co-Sleeping Practice with Lysa Parker - NMNB Ep40
Sharing your bed with your baby can be a beautiful experience. What are the advantages for you and for your baby? What about all the warnings you've heard about? Where should the baby sleep, side or middle? When should your baby transition from co-sleeping to sleeping in his/her own bed, and what's the best way to make this transition? Lysa Parker is co-author of Attached at the Heart Parenting Consultant, Parents Lifeline and is this week's expert on New Moms, New Babies.
Jul 7, 2010
23 min
Baby Lead Weaning with Gill Rapley - NMNB Ep39
Introducing solid foods without the mess and process of pureed babyfoods. Gill Rapley is this weeks expert and is here to share her knowledge and importance of introducing solids and letting your baby "explore their food". How old should your baby be and do they need teeth? Does Skipping Purees pose a choking hazard? Can it help for Colic? What are good starter foods and how best to prepare these foods? How does breastfeeding interplay with baby lead weaning? And Gill Rapley's 5 tips to getting ready to try baby lead weaning. Plus, this weeks Mommy Matters.
Jul 7, 2010
28 min
The Balancing Act: Home and Work - NMNB Ep38
Home, work; can they really be balanced or is it a myth? What are the keys to this balancing act, and how important is "me" time"? What about guilt? Julie Cohen, PCC is this week's expert with insight and resources on developing a greater sense of personal awareness​.
May 25, 2010
25 min
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