New Moms, New Babies: Tips, Tricks, Sanity Savers
New Moms, New Babies: Tips, Tricks, Sanity Savers
Baby Lead Weaning with Gill Rapley - NMNB Ep39
28 minutes Posted Jul 7, 2010 at 1:00 am.
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Introducing solid foods without the mess and process of pureed babyfoods. Gill Rapley is this weeks expert and is here to share her knowledge and importance of introducing solids and letting your baby "explore their food". How old should your baby be and do they need teeth? Does Skipping Purees pose a choking hazard? Can it help for Colic? What are good starter foods and how best to prepare these foods? How does breastfeeding interplay with baby lead weaning? And Gill Rapley's 5 tips to getting ready to try baby lead weaning. Plus, this weeks Mommy Matters.