New Moms, New Babies: Tips, Tricks, Sanity Savers
New Moms, New Babies: Tips, Tricks, Sanity Savers
via Podcasts
Not for me!
So I wanted to listen to something on morning walks that would prepare me for motherhood. This isn’t the podcast for me. These women are clearly upper class with unlimited funds. They just aren’t realistic. It’s not terrible, they have some good advice. But currently I’m listening to the “toys” podcast and one mom thinks all plastic is bad. I’m sorry we don’t all have the money for all wooden toys. I’m hoping to find something better with more realistic advice and less mom shaming.
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Retired athlete
Wth lol
This is a joke
Don't waist your time
Wow! Stay at home moms with so much time on their hands not helpful for working moms. Also how they try to up each other that's so terrible.
Myopic and annoying
I wanted to like these cackling self absorbed mother hens but it only took 15 minutes to realize nothing of substance was forthcoming. This is like eavesdropping on some rich, entitled, well manicured society wives at's only interesting for how long it takes to get your coffee. Then you're happy you get to leave.
Mommy judgment
I am an expecting mom and was excited to learn new tips and tricks, but was so disappointed about the amount of mommy judgment in this podcast. The number of times the hosts said "bad mommy" and "I need to go to mom school" was really upsetting. Podcasts like this just perpetuate a myth that you have to be a perfect mom and its appropriate to judge each other when we are just doing our best. Very disappointed.
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Mostly really good!
I just found this podcast last month, and have been listening to it on my daily commute. As a new working mom, length is perfect for my commute and I think they have quality guests on the show and relevant topics. I wish the host was more well spoken and organized in her comments and in guiding the conversations to get the most of the topics from the whole group. I like the guest Krista who seemed to be on often. Seems like this is no longer in recording. Too bad! I would probably be a regular listener.
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More please!
I became a huge fan of Pregtastic this summer and fall while I was pregnant with my first child. But after my daughter was born I began thinking, I wish there was a pod cast that was focused more on babies and less on pregnancy. I was thrilled to find this pod cast but I want more! Is there any chance that there will be more episodes? I'd be happy to offer new ideas for topics if that's the problem. Lord knows I'm googling everyday to see if my child's actions are normal or to find home remedies and advice for her latest issues. So, more episodes please!!! I do have to admit that I prefer Sunny as a host, tho. She's great!
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I love this podcast!
I loved pregtastic and now love New moms, new babies. It is entertaining informative and just all around fun. I disagree with the comment below about the host Leana. I really enjoy her and her commentary. I am happy to see the team is publishing podcasts again. I miss Krista ( mom of Katelynn) though she was my favorite!
More, please?
I'm totally addicted to this show and would love for it to continue! Will there be more episodes?
wish they would add more episodes!
i really enjoyed this podcast. i like the moms that are on every podcast and the rotation of other moms. good range of views - sahm, working moms, etc.
Good start
This falls short of the bar set by pregtastic. The topics aren't the most useful and the host seems to cut people off a lot. That said, it does provide some good info. The format just needs a little work.
Olin's mom
good podcast but needs improvement
I love pregtastic and as I am now becoming a new mom, I find this very helpful - however I think they need to get a little more organized - the host should be guiding the conversation in the appropriate direction but many times it feels like she is interested in talking about her son the entire time and does not do a good job of controlling the conversation. As a result of which, I feel sometimes that you get perhaps 10 minutes of good important information out of an hour of chit chat. Having said that, hats off to starting something like this and all the best ahead
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Great Resource for New Moms AND Dads
I started listening to Pregtastic and because of that great resource learned about how to be an eco-friendly and baby friendly new parent. Pregtastic and New Moms New Babies podcasts have made being a parent the best experience we could imagine. My husband also enjoys listening. Thank you for changing my life :-)
Fiona Baby
Great topics
This podcast has some really great topics. Hildreth Media Group puts out some quality stuff. I love Layna's spirit, but she talks too fast and stumbles over her words quite a bit. I love her as a participant, but not necessarily as a host.
Californian Mama
More, please!!!
I love this podcast but I wish they would do them weekly. Very fun and informative.
great, entertaining show!
I love this podcast and its sister show Pregtastic! I only wish they came out more often--I can't get enough!
So valuable!
Your views, chats and guests have been so valuable to me as a new mom. Thanks ladies!
Great show...
I love Pregtastic and followed over to New Moms, New Babies. I particularly like Krista's perspective as a working mom.
Worth a listen but needs improvement.
This show is a great idea and can be fun to listen to. The guests are great, but sometimes it seems a little incoherent, as if they decided the topic of the show that morning. Also the host has a certain air about her that is off putting. Please realize that your way off parenting is not the only way. Your know it all attitude can be offensive, not every mom does things exactly how you do.
Love it
Provided me tons of information for a new mom of one month old. Highly recommend this podcast. Very friendly speakers who invite established guests on each show.
So disappointed
I so badly wanted to like this as A first time mom of a one year old and while there was some really good information, I was very disappointed. The "working" moms always talk about how they can't do things like make their own baby food or clothe diapers because they don't have time...well somehow other working moms do so I really didn't appreciate them acting as though it was impossible. Aside from that, they may want to research their guests a bit better...just because someone has written a book does not mean they know all. All babies are different and all families are different and they do not present it as such. It seems like they are just desperately trying to make this show happen but need to take more into consideration, especially the guests they have on. Oh and I also didn't appreciate the views they gave in breastfeeding. As the mother of a preemie baby who pumped exclusively for the first six months before teaching my baby to nurse, I was so disheartened to hear all but one whine about breastfeeding like it was so awful and give up on it so quickly. I tried but definitely will not be listening. It's manic mommies for me.
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LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS!!! This podcast is awesome! Pregtastic is great as well, and its nice to be able to continue on after pregnancy with the information and entertainment!
Great Podcast
I also found this podcast because I listened to Pregtastic when I was pregnant. I really like New Moms New Babies, the show has great information for the new parent. They also have done some shows on things I would have never of thought about. They did a show on photographing your baby and gave great tips that I have put into practice and pics of my little one have never looked better!! It's nice listening to other ladies sharing the same experiences that your going through. I listen to the podcast at work and I feel like I've got my own little group of girlfriends that I've never even met. Thanks for the great podcast.
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Love it!
Love it, love it, love it! It is great to have some of the pregtastic gang continuing the adventure into parenthood. The topics are great and the hosts are great as always. There are always differing viewpoints and everyone is very transparent when it comes to things they may have been doing incorrectly. Makes the rest of us moms feel a little better that there are other people out there that don't know it all!
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Love this show!
I just had a baby 6 months ago, and this show has been talking about all the stuff I deal with! I liked the car seat show.
I Love It!
I have been a fan of Pregtastic since I became pregnant last May. What luck that now my son is 4 months old, New Moms, New Babies came along. The podcasts are informative with great ideas and info relevent to new moms. I love hearing from the Moms who were pregnant the same time I was who now have their own little ones. The guest podcasters are also wonderful providing information in a fun, positive way. I look forward to listening to every new episode!
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Alissa P.
Love it!
I am so excited about the New Moms New Babies podcast! I have listened to all of the PregTASTIC Podcasts and continue listening even now that my son is 9 months old and I'm not pregnant! I love hearing all of the different experiences that moms are having, what tips they have for life with a new baby, and all of the expert opinions! Keep up the great work!
Loved the shows!
I followed pregtastic and listened to all the episodes. They are awesome and I can't wait to continue the journey with New Moms, New Babies! So much practical information and experience. I learned tons of stuff on Pregtastic that was never in any of the books I read. I am sure it will be the same for this show. As a first time mom, I need all the help and knowledge I can get and getting it from current mommies is great. Keep up the good work.
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Leslie R
Great New Show!!!
This is a great podcast! Fun to listen to and very imformative about the crazy first year of parenthood! Even my husband liked listening to it. I also like the shorter format. It is perfect for listening to while I am in the car running errands! Great Show! Can't wait for more great episodes!!!
Pregtastic part 2?
I loved Pregtastic, and I really missed its guidance after having my baby a few months ago. I'm glad to see they've continued the idea for new moms. The new show is a little shorter than Pregtastic. Instead of having a roundtable chat and then an interview, each episode is either a chat or an interview, so you can skip around if you want. I guess the shorter episodes are better for busy moms, but I'm so used to the Pregtastic format that I'd like it that way too. I listen at night when I'm nursing my baby in the dark, and I think I'll also listen when I'm pumping at work. I have a lot to learn, so I'm excited to see what topics they will have this year. It's also nice to follow up with the different moms; seeing how they deal with the various stages makes me feel less stressed about my own issues. I don't have a lot of friends with babies the same age as mine, so it is nice to hear what everyone is going through. I like that they have both working and stay-at-home moms too. It would be fun if some dads would come in once in a while. I know it's a mom show, but I think it would be nice to know their perspective. Maybe that can be a special episode. Now what am I going to listen to once I'm no longer a "new" mom?
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