Murder Book
Murder Book
Michael Connelly
Murder Book
Michael Connelly
Sam Little, the FBI’s most prolific serial killer roamed free for five decades, murdering women at will. But in 2012 he came to the attention of Detective Mitzi Roberts and everything changed. This opportunistic killer had long stayed below law enforcement’s radar because of the victims he chose: Women from the fringe — drug users and sex workers paid little attention to by society. Murder Book Season 2: The Women Who Stopped Sam Little follows this Los Angeles Police Department cold case investigator's relentless hunt for Little across the country to capture and convict him with the help of a group of equally fierce women that included a prosecutor, a writer and several women who survived brutal attacks from Little.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 15 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
December 21, 2020
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