Marketing Tips You May Misuse!! Podcast

Marketing Tips You May Misuse!!

sneh doshi
For any Business marketing is the key to build Brand as well as support the sales team in best way by providing leads as well as outreach support. Will be covering such challenges and the strategy to overcome such challenges.
Sales & Marketing Misalignment
We often observe our sales people complaining about the quality of leads they get from the marketing campaigns and marketing teams complaining about the approach and miscommunication in brand message once the leads get in touch with the sales team. Have discussed about such scenario and how it can be solved.
Jun 15, 2020
3 min
Is your website an effective Marketing Pillar?
In this podcast have discussed about how we may use our website as an effective Marketing Pillar and attract more users to our website whom we may help with the best possible solution by offering our services or products.
Jun 8, 2020
2 min
They Visit us but don't contact us!
In this podcast have diacussed about the problem marketers face once they start gaining traction from their Marketing campaigns be it organic or paid. There are possibilities the audience may visit the landing page and may leave it without even contacting your team. Have discussed how to improve it and get more results.
Jun 8, 2020
2 min
Start from End! Right approach for creating a Marketing Strategy to generate ROI.
In this first episode have discussed about one of the biggest challenge Business face in Marketing. The right approach for creating a Marketing Strategy or a campaign is to follow the backward approach which starts by understanding the needs of consumers, the problem faced by them and how they can be solved by our product or services. Most companies try to creat a Marketing Strategy with a forward approach which starts with understanding the high volume keywords that are over lapping with the product. This is explained cearlu with a real life eample of Fogg deodrants in India. How Fogg deodrants knew the pulse of their audience and how they marketed and positioned it amongst their audience.
May 24, 2020
2 min