Keep the Beat Podcast Podcast

Keep the Beat Podcast

Keep the Beat
This podcast is a center for heart health, emotion, intellect, and total personality. "Listen to your heart." A place to describe the things you want, draw up the person you wish to become, share your story, continue consciously growing into the life you are living by setting and practicing daily confidence boosters that will seamlessly merge your dream with reality.
Feeling Better Forever w/Dr Cresencia Felty and her healing journey with Ulcerative Colitis
On today's episode we dive into Dr Felty's journey with Ulcerative Colitis and becoming a Naturopathic Doctor and healing herself with Food. By understanding her triggers, what foods to include, and creating a space to talk about what she was going through really healed her and she is now over 10 years free from medication. Listen to this empowering story today and allow it to activate the healing power that is in all of us to continue creating the best life we know we can.
Dec 2, 2019
31 min
Phyter Food Story & Giving Thanks w/Co-Founder Gloria Athanis
We dive deep into the real food bar company Phyter Food and their incredible journey. Gloria is such an amazing woman with so much courage, strength, and perseverance, to continue making the best of this one life we live. Listen in now, thank you!
Nov 25, 2019
1 hr 2 min
Warm-Up Episode | Ignite the spark w/ Alysha Flynn (founder of @whatrunsyou)
Ignite your spark! In this episode we offer practical solutions for increasing motivation. We also share our personal story of what got us so motivated to live our healthiest life!
Aug 3, 2019
42 min
Warm-up Episode | Motivational Punch w/ Alysha Flynn (Founder of @WhatRunsYou, recorded on IG LIVE)
Success is responding to an invitation to change, to grow, to develop, to become. It’s an invitation to move up to a better place in order to gain a better vantage point. During episode 8 Jon & Alysha (health coaches) help live listeners identify ways they can find or enhance their motivation!
Aug 1, 2019
30 min