Husband In Law
Husband In Law
Jessica Frew, Steve, Matt Frew
Husband In Law
Jessica Frew, Steve, Matt Frew
Connect with the Husband In Law crew: Hey Friend! If you are new here, be sure to start with Episode One. This is not your typical podcast and you aren’t going to want to miss a thing! Jessica, Steve (her gay ex-husband) and Matt (her current husband) are sharing their stories of love, marriage, infidelity, divorce, coming out, remarriage and co-parenting to help others know they are not alone. This podcast is for those who are open-minded enough to let go of the religious and social norms we have been taught we should fit into and live a life that feels true and authentic to who they are. Steve, Jessica, and Matt are here to walk through the science of making relationsh!t successful. Steve and Jessica were happily married for 7 years until Steve came out as being gay which inevitably ended in divorce. Now, Matt and Jessica have been happily married for over 8 years. The crazy part is, Matt, Jessica, and Steve all get along, to the extent that Matt and Steve work together, every dang day… Don’t worry you will get all the details while you listen. Matt, Jessica, and Steve have a relationship that, by most standards, would be considered atypical. Sharing stories of love, marriage, children, divorce, the struggles of religious norms, homosexuality, and trying to be our best selves, this podcast holds nothing back and shares what most people are scared to talk about. Listen in as they take you on this journey of learning how to love and accept themselves enough to love and accept others for who they are during this experience called “Life”.
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a month ago
April 10
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