Explore Your Enthusiasm
Explore Your Enthusiasm
Tara Swiger
Tap into what makes you feel like YOU by following your enthusiasm. Each week we’ll discuss finding joy, mental wellness and enthusiasm by finding time and energy to do more of what feels fun. Yes, FUN, even in times of big transition, in the middle of caregiving, in your life. Gardening, reading, sewing and knitting are how I follow my enthusiasm. How do you follow yours?
You don’t need more time management tips
I know, you think you would get more done, and feel less overwhelmed, if you were only better at your time management. But that’s not the problem. Today we're looking at three things that will help more than a new planner. Apply to join my new program here: https://forms.gle/d5mwsYw1aFqeFCzcA
Aug 3, 2022
8 min
10 best books for mental health
A listener asked me for some book recommendations so here are my top favorites in memoir, non-ficition, brain science and encouragement. Find the entire list of books here:
Jul 12, 2022
13 sec
How following my enthusiasm saved me from burnout
It’s my hope that by talking about what helped me, I can help you feel less overwhelmed, less disconnected from your life and more tapped into what brings you joy. Let’s just get right into it: Following your enthusiasm, really nerding out is the way to feel like yourself again. If you, like most of us, have had to take on new caregiver roles during the pandemic or this stage of life - maybe it’s kids, a sick spouse, your parents need care. A lot of us are in the stage of life where we just have more caregiver roles than ever. And while that can feel good and fulfilling…sometimes it doesn’t. In some situations it just feels….hard.
Jun 28, 2022
16 min
WHY I QUIT my podcast & how I’m back (things are changing)
It’s back, baby! In todays episode I share why I had to stop podcasting, how my family TRIPLED and what’s next for the podcast. Explore Your Enthusiasm was a weekly creative business show for 6 years. We talked marketing, time, goal-setting and profitability in your creative work. And then, pandemic one April, newborn in NICU in July and three more kiddos (under 4yo), in September. But I’m ready to come back. Listen in to what’s changed and what you can expect next. Find the new site at TaraSwiger.com (soon!)
Jun 14, 2022
30 min