Explore Your Enthusiasm
Explore Your Enthusiasm
Tara Swiger
How following my enthusiasm saved me from burnout
16 minutes Posted Jun 28, 2022 at 9:32 am.
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It’s my hope that by talking about what helped me, I can help you feel less overwhelmed, less disconnected from your life and more tapped into what brings you joy.
Let’s just get right into it: Following your enthusiasm, really nerding out is the way to feel like yourself again. If you, like most of us, have had to take on new caregiver roles during the pandemic or this stage of life - maybe it’s kids, a sick spouse, your parents need care. A lot of us are in the stage of life where we just have more caregiver roles than ever. And while that can feel good and fulfilling…sometimes it doesn’t. In some situations it just feels….hard.