Explore Your Enthusiasm
Explore Your Enthusiasm
Tara Swiger
via Podcasts
Valuable, not-status-quo insights
We’re not usually taught to follow our excitement in our work and lives, so I love that Tara focuses on enthusiasm. The conversations she’s hosting about exploring more of what you truly want out from your business and using enthusiasm as your guide are so important.
Eva Jannotta
Practical help for your crafty business
I’ve been listening to this podcast for several years and Tara never fails to talk about something that is helpful and timely for my yarn business. Her style is conversational and it feels like you’re sitting down to chat over coffee with a friend: a very knowledgeable friend who has the experience and research to support what she is saying. I can truly say that my business would not be as successful without Tara’s awesome information.
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Fairy Tale Knits
Love Tara so much! She breaks down things I didn't understand about business before into understandable language and explains how it affects my hand made business.
Informative and awesome!
I recently found Tara’s podcast so now I’m binge-listening to catch up. I’m just starting out in a creative business and I am loving all the free help, resources, and encouragement!!!
The kick in the behind I always need!
Whenever I'm struggling with something in my creative/business life, there is an episode of this podcast ready with Tara talking me through each step, helping me feel ready and motivated to make the next big leap!!!!! Thanks Tara!
Experience + Research + Inspiration = Best Small Biz Podcast
Tara Swiger packs so much inspiration and quality advice into her podcasts each week! As a former scientist, I was inititally drawn to Tara's research-based business and mindset advice. As a handmaker, I am drawn to Tara's warmth and encouragement, even when she's doling out tough love. Tara knows handmade business inside and out and has the singularly unique abilty to break down big picture ideas and complex business concepts into managebale and worakable pieces that will help your business. Wednesday is my favorite day because that's when I get to listen to Explore Your Enthusiasm! Thank you, Tara!
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It's like she's in my head
Tara Swiger covers so much ground that is useful for a small product based business. It's been invaluable to me as I get started. I've saved a number of episodes that I know will be useful down the line as well.
Awestruck Curiosity
Tara always lifts my spirits!
sometimes being a maker business can seem like a pipe dream. it's so easy to get discouraged but Tara is always able to provide reasonable advice that helps me work out my problem. this is one of my very favorite podcasts!
Awesome Podcast!
I absolutely love this podcast with Tara Swiger. I can't tell you how many times it has helped me out of a bad place emotionally (running your own business can be really tough in your self-esteem) and the business strategies are so common sense and down to earth, I find it demystifies a lot of the aspects of running your own business that I used to find overwhelming. Can't recommend this enough!!!!!
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Great content!
I enjoy every episode--thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to your podcast! 🙌
Really great information
I love Tara's insight into running a business and the way she breaks down information into very clear advice. I never miss an episode!
jordan dene
So Great, I want to Share!
Tara is a non-stop fountain of great ideas. If I could do 10% of what she recommends, I would be too busy to keep up with all the sales. I feel sure that what I have learned from her is boosting my business far above what I expected in my first year. I am even getting together a workshop for other yarnshop owners I know, so we can all hear her insprational marketing techniques, and we can get going in social media marketing in what has traditionally just been an "independent" style business...we must reach out to the world to make it anymore.
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Perfect for me
I’m a maker and a seller - struggling with all the things people like me do - Tara’s podcast is a spot-on help and I feel like it’s directed at me personally. Thanks Tara!
Down to Earth, Friendly Truth Telling
Tara Swiger is a refreshing voice in the business podcasting world. She's smart, funny and no-nonsense when dispensing business advice. I love her honesty and vulnerability and also the way in which she doesn't pull any punches when speaking the truth about all sort of things, including, "do you have a hobby or a business?" Because let's face it folks, if you're not willing to ante up in the sweat equity department, then you have a hobby and stop saying it's a business. Anyhoo...TS is the BEST!
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Bite Sized Biz Advice
I love how informational but relatable Tara makes everything. So many AHA moments. She helps you find what works for you and to play off your strengths. Work smarter not harder!
Great Advice
Tara does a great job - she is so genuine. She is a little quirky and I love that - totally on target on business things. She specializes in business for creatives but general information that applies to everyone!!
Encouraging Podcast
Tara provides lots of practical and encouraging advice for creatives. Listening to her podcast has helped me in a variety of areas including simplifying bookkeeping to inspiring me to continue to create art and share it with the world. Probably some of the best lessons that I’ve learned from her are to celebrate your accomplishments (even if no one else notices!) and that the only way that you’re going to bring your business from here to there is through the steady process of setting and accomplishing goals.
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Valuable content, always... not "pitchy"!
I love Tara's podcasts... she is friendly and personable, and gets right into the content. Her podcasts are full of useful information with show notes for each podcast on her blog with multiple links to further explore the topic deeper. I've listened to other industry leader's podcasts, which seem to just be 30 minute informercials to sell you on their next program or ebook and content that could have been boiled down to 5 minues. Whereas Tara barely mentions her programs and spends all her time with super valuable content. If there were more stars to give, I'd give 'em! ;)
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Tara is so inspiring!
Tara's advice and encouragement have really made a difference to my online biz. She encourages me to take it seriously, stay focused and keep statistics every month on my results. She is also fun to listen to. I really appreciate everything I've learned!
Strong business advice mixed with great conversation
I absolutely loved the interview Tara did with fiber artist Sasha Torres. So much fun and so very informative. Hearing from a fellow creative who is working hard to build her business, who is well on the journey but still learning, was inspiring and heartening and somehow comforting. We need more podcasts and podcast episodes like this. Thank you, Tara.
K Syd
So much good stuff in every chat
I’ve been subscribed since January and I look forward to each new podcast. I’ve been going back through the archive to catch up and I love that the website/blog provides more information as a companion to each episode. Thanks so much for the information you share!
Just found this podcast and am gobbling it up as far back to the first episode! Not only well-thought out content but great presentation! Lots of good advice that I will carry with me as I work through opening my farm store and developing my fiber studio. Thank you for these podcasts, much love from Walla Walla, Washington. ~Elaine
Love it!
I'm a beginner and get easily overwhelmed or off task. Tara is a great tool to help me take a deep breath, slow down and stay focused. My handmade business has changed for the best! She is a real down to earth chica too!
Concrete Advice for Anyone -- Not just Makers or Small Businesses
And FUN! I love Tara's wonderful perspective on life and building a business that is smart for you and your life. Most (if not all) of the lessons can apply to just life in general -- knowing your sparkle, knowing your people, having a plan, evaluating where you are and how to move to where you want to be, representing yourself, getting out of a rut...these are things we all need. She is a genuine, sincere and very effective communicator who knows her stuff and wants you to have the best version of your business and life possible.
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She has a knack!
Tara has a knack for boiling down what seems complicated or unanswerable and making it simple and straightforward. I am an artist...but no matter what example she uses, I can apply it to my business. Her style is unintimidating and inclusive - no "shoulds" or pressure to set a goal that's not for me. She makes it all applicable to exactly where I want to go and how I want to get there that's comfortable for me. She's just what I need, just when I need it.
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I had never listened to Podcasts… having limited internet access I really wanted to listen to something to encourage me in my business, but knew I couldn't watch endless amounts of videos. Until I realized I could listen to Podcasts! I came across Tara's "Explore You Enthusiasm" podcasts while searching… and I haven't been able to stop listening to them! I'm loving the informative and fun way the info is presented, and just in the last 2 days I've learned SO much and gotten lightyears ahead in my business preparation. Listen to Tara's Podcasts!!!!!!
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Katie D. (www.thecornerchair.)
THE BEST podcast for your crafty biz
I listen to Tara’s podcasts non-stop, at home, when I’m driving…I always look forward to when the next one is released. This is by far THE BEST podcast I have found for helping me to create a better business for myself! I love Tara’s clear and concise way of speaking as well as her brilliant mind. She gives actionable steps that I can take immediately to help my business thrive. Her topics always seem relevant to me. Oh, and I love her podcasts about being an introvert, because I am one as well, and it’s hard to find tips for making your way in the business world as an introvert. Thanks Tara!!!
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Kimberly Kling
Sound Advice for the Maker
I look forward to Wednesdays so I get to listen to a new podcast! Each one has so much useful information. If you are a person that makes your own product, she is especially good at pinpointing issues and providing solutions. Crafty and art businesses are similar to other businesses but have some fundamental differences. Tara helps take successful business practices and make them pertinent and understandable to the small makers, like myself.
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An Amazing Resource!
Tara does a fantastic job providing you with valuable business information and does so in a fun way. She is so conversational and it feels like she's talking directly to you. The subjects are relevant and are the perfect length. It's been a great resource and has really made me think about what direction I'm going to take my business and what I can do to improve!
Josh Greco
Don't Overwhelm yourself!
If you get anxious that there's so much to do, and so much to learn, and it all feels so overwhelming, the approach of Tara Swiger alone is enough to calm you down and help you focus. One step at a time. You don't have to know it all before you can start. I get overloaded with choices, because I research stuff TO DEATH. I decided to do something different this time - inspired by this podcast... learn what I NEED to know, not EVERYTHING! I get something out of every episode, and it doesn't hype me up, it makes me feel capable.
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Finally a creative business coach, who's actually been there
I have listened to many podcasts searching for a guide to show me the ropes of creative business. There are many coaches out there, but most of them are just that trained (or not) coaches. They interview people who are creative and you get to hear great stories, but the guidance isn't there, because they haven't been there. But then I found Tara, she's been there. She understands having a creative business and she provides great guidance and tips in every podcast that keep me focussed on where mine is and where I want it to be. Looking for a creative business guru? Stop now, because you've found her.
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I learn so much!
This podcast is really, really great. Tara has this way of explaining things that usually seem complex and overwhelming so that I feel like I can actually *do* them. She also makes me feel like I'm not alone in having all the questions and problems I run into with my business. So far, I've been listening to the podcast while I edit photos. I learn so much during every episode! Highly recommended.
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Great, non-slimy, honest business talk
If, like me, you find yourself getting the screaming heebie-jeebies when you think about taking your crafty-business to the world and having to **gasp** market what you’re offering, then this is the podcast for you. Tara Swiger’s honest and kind (and giggling) voice comes through the headphones and into your heart, bringing inspiration and calming ideas for you to use and adapt so your business can boldly grow. If you have her book, “Market Yourself” then you’ll know her name—but this podcast isn’t a re-hash of the book! It’s new! It’s fresh! And it’s 100% Tara. (And that’s a good thing!)
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Conversational and informational!
I've had conversations with Tara about my business, and listening to this podcast is just like that - hanging out with Tara over a cup of tea, having a conversation. I love how she talks about business in a way that's easy to understand, and makes me believe that I'm capable of making my business (and my life) what I want it to be!
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