Clear Thinking Out Loud
Clear Thinking Out Loud
Mark Tyrrell
If you are a therapist or coach of any persuasion; counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, life coach, bodyworker, in fact anyone who works in the helping professions, you will glean valuable, actionable ideas, tips and techniques from Mark Tyrrell's Therapy Skills podcast, 'Clear Thinking Out Loud'.
CBT for OCD: Podcast 042
This podcast is the narrated version of my article 3 Vital CBT Techniques for OCD. CBT can be useful for treating OCD but to be effective we must consider other dimensions of the condition as well. In this episode I talk about: OCD, the malevolent tyrant Some common obsessions and compulsions The effects of the toxic imagination OCD isn’t just a thought disorder CBT Technique for OCD 1: Find the underlying need CBT Technique for OCD 2: Focus on and trust observable reality CBT Technique for OCD 3: Externalize the OCD Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below: References/Notes:;jsessionid=DD80C46BEB56B889674323DF4DDE3DDE.f03t01
Oct 2, 2019
18 sec
Boosting Clients’ Emotional Resilience: Podcast 041
This podcast is the narrated version of my article A Quick Therapeutic Exercise That Boosts Emotional Resilience. It’s well known now that gratitude is a key part of an emotionally balanced life. We can help our clients integrate this into their lives but must be careful that we don’t end up making them feel guilty instead. In this episode I talk about: The worried well Whose life is it anyway? Gratitude and suffering A therapeutic exercise to help your client practise gratitude. Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below: References/Notes: See ‘Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life.’ Emmons, Robert A.; McCullough, Michael E. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 84(2), Feb 2003, 377-389
Oct 1, 2019
9 sec
Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Podcast 040
This podcast is the narrated version of my article 6 Soothing Steps for Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety is perhaps the most prevalent of problems in our clients. It makes mountains out of molehills, and monsters out of moles. In this episode I talk about: How the modern world turned a survival response into a psychiatric disorder “My brain is constantly on high alert!” (But knowing it doesn’t help) Step 1: Find the pattern Step 2: Find the missing needs Step 3: Find the origins of the emotional conditioning Step 4: Find the exception times Step 5: Find ways to minimize worry Step 6: Relax your client deeply. Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below: References/Notes: The standard psychiatric definition (from the DSM IV manual) states that generalized anxiety disorder means “at least 6 months of ‘excessive anxiety and worry’ about a variety of events and situations. Generally, ‘excessive’ can be interpreted as more than would be expected for a particular situation or event. There is significant difficulty in controlling the anxiety and worry.”
Sep 30, 2019
13 sec
Building Rapport With Difficult Clients: Podcast 039
This podcast is the narrated version of my article How to Build Rapid Rapport with Even the Most Difficult Clients. Client-practitioner rapport is essential for effective therapeutic work, but how do we build rapport with ‘difficult’ clients? The utilization principle works with any client and appeals to an individual’s unique personality traits and interests to bring about change. In this episode I talk about: Why building rapport is much more than ‘mirroring, matching, and leading’ Marching into trance: The power of utilization More effective communication through utilization Why we need to stop the psych-jargon Building rapport from the inside out Utilizing the ‘gaping problem’. Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below:
Sep 29, 2019
12 sec
Classical Conditioning: Podcast 038
This podcast is the narrated version of my article 3 Ways to Use Classical Conditioning in Therapy and Counselling. Well into adulthood, my mouth would water whenever I heard a key turning in a lock. You may be wondering what on earth happened to me! The answer is, nothing particularly odd. But it’s why I’m a chocaholic. Find out what happened to me in this episode. In this episode I talk about: Why we are all Pavlov’s dogs The problem with pattern matching 3 ways to use pattern matching for therapeutic benefit Never forget that pattern matching is going on all the time Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below:
Sep 28, 2019
8 sec
Helping Clients in a Double Bind: Podcast 037
This podcast is the narrated version of my article Deconstructing Double Binds. Clients can find themselves in catch-22, no-win, psychological double binds which seem impossible to escape. A vigilant practitioner will spot these and help create new options that the client hadn’t considered, thereby dissolving the double bind. In this episode I talk about: How double binds glue emotional problems in place Why you need to look for the pay-off How changing one part of the pattern can change everything Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below:
Sep 27, 2019
6 sec
Behavioural Interventions for Anxiety: Podcast 036
This podcast is the narrated version of my article 6 Easy Behavioural Interventions for Anxiety. Behavioural interventions can be highly effective for anxiety as they break the cycle of worry and paralysis by analysis. Getting your client to do something different, however small, can make all the difference. In this episode I talk about: The multi-pronged approach to treating anxiety The mysterious power of chewing gum Naming the anxiety Facing the anxiety Breathing away the anxiety Grading the anxiety Discharging the anxiety Teach your clients the AWARE technique Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below: References/Notes:
Sep 26, 2019
22 sec
Stop Couples Arguing: Podcast 035
This podcast is the narrated version of my article Stop Couples Arguing With These 3 Couples Therapy Techniques. “Why do you two hate each other so much? Why don’t you just get a divorce?” I asked, interrupting the pattern of their well-practised bickering. In this episode I talk about: When love feels like hate Man and woman as machines Pattern Interrupt Tip 1: Play devil’s advocate Pattern Interrupt Tip 2: Change something about the problem behaviour Pattern Interrupt Tip 3: Use hypnosis to re-evoke their love Not the be all and end all Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below: References/Notes: A bit like this chap: The soldier who refused to surrender.
Sep 25, 2019
11 sec
Boosting Client Motivation: Podcast 034
This podcast is the narrated version of my article How To Boost Client Motivation In Therapy. As all practitioners know, our clients’ motivation to change isn’t always 100%. There are things we can do however to get them feeling more positive and motivated, and so  help them meet their therapy goals. In this episode I talk about: Awakening a difficult client’s motivation to change Appeal to their point of pride Appeal to their point of principle Appeal to their area of expertise What motivation really is Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below:
Sep 24, 2019
13 sec
Story Therapy: Podcast 033
This podcast is the narrated version of my article Story Therapy; Why It Works And How To Do It With Your Clients. Story therapy at the right time can facilitate psychological and even physical healing and embedding traditional tales into therapy sessions is something I do a lot. In this episode I talk about: So why does story therapy work? How story therapy got rid of a boy’s warts Read, listen and learn stories Learn the story pattern, not just the content How to make your stories hypnotic Or watch this episode of the podcast on video below: References/Notes: Rob Parkinson: Transforming Tales: How Stories Can Change People. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2009. ISBN-10: 1843109743; ISBN-13: 978-1843109747 Idries Shah: World Tales. Octagon Press 1991. ISBN-10: 0863040365; ISBN-13: 978-0863040368 World Tales. Pg 242
Sep 23, 2019
6 sec
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