Becoming Creature
Becoming Creature
Interviewing beautiful minds.
#31 Flower Mage on Judaism, Sexuality, and Self-Acceptance
Greetings,On this episode I interview Flower and we discuss his myriad life experiences and ideas such as:* Orthodox Judaism* Interacting with spiritual entities* Varied spiritual experiences* Hearing direction at the Western Wall in Israel* Ties between Tarot and Judaism* Diving deep into the story of Abraham* How the fundamental covenant affects us today* Insular communities* Health issues* How this area of twitter perpetuates personal revelation* Attending Vibecamp* Lemurs and * Vulnerability, intimacy, and EroticaThanks for listeningNick Daniel, Critter This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jul 6, 2023
1 hr 20 min
#30 Processing Vibecamp Out Loud with Critter
Vibecamp ended yesterday afternoon and in this episode I try to process my experience out loud. I wanted to get this out quickly, and I’m still feeling a bit emotional so my voice might be shaky in spots and to save time the episode isn’t perfectly edited.I know a lot of us attendees are working through our experience, and I know many of you who did not attend are curious of what it was like. I hope this episode serves those looking to make sense of how they feel right now.I love you,Critter This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jun 19, 2023
42 min
#29 Becoming Creature, Stories from My Life
Hello Dears,Today I publish a rare solo episode.In this episode I share stories from my life and tell you a bit about how I became the creature I am now. I share some of my thoughts about my podcast and the current state of affairs.I hope you enjoy-Nick This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jun 14, 2023
56 min
#28 River Kenna on the Power of Your Inner Wilds
Today I am joined by River Kenna the Somatic-Imaginal guide aka The Wilderless. River uses learning from Jungian Psychology, Esoteric Buddhism, and Body-Mind Integration to help people get out of their head and into their life. River’s Somatic Resonance course can be found here: In this interview, River tells us* The pitfalls of emphasizing certain meditation practices.* What are the Somatic, the Imaginal, and the Mythopoetic?* How can Somatic, the Imaginal, and the Mythopoetic change our lives?* How can we better interact with our dreams?* Basic exercises for body work, imaginal work, and dream work.* How synesthesia and aphantasia may affect imaginal work.* How to unbecome who we aren’t.* The systematic vs. spontaneous modes of being.* How healing may be an incoherent concept.* Perspectives on trauma.* Information on living a graceful nonlinear lifestyle.and much more!References mentioned in the show:River’s Stoa Talk ‘Mythopoetic Cognition is the Engine of Mind’River’s Course - Somatic ResonanceRiver’s PatreonRiver’s SubstackRiver’s WebsiteJames Hillman, Peaks and Vales, Senex and PuerDavid WhyteRob Burbea and Soulmaking DharmaReginald Ray, Somatic Descent This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Mar 3, 2023
1 hr 48 min
#27 @Embryosophy on the Spirit of New York, Embryology, Yoga, and Grief. Please donate.
Welcome backToday I am joined by Buddhi. She and her husband Hap recently lost their home in a wildfire. Please donate at their GoFundMe. As Buddhi explains in the show, the tragedy did not reach the amount of monetary damage required for assistance from the state of California, or from FEMA. Thank you to Mycelium Mage for creating the GoFundMe, and for everyone that has contributed so far.If you would like to donate crypto-anonymously, their ETH addresses are hapsavage.eth and bexnaj.eth.If you do not have the means, feel free to reach out to Buddhi and Hap to send them a book.Books they would love to receive include:* Taking Root to Fly, Irene Dowd * Matter & Desire, Andreas Weber * The Systems View of Life, Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi * Yoga Anatomy, Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews * Anatomy Trains, Tom Myers * Small Arcs of Larger Circles, Nora Bateson * Netter’s Atlas of Human Embryology, Larry R. CochardOn this episode we discuss:* How the concept of the embryo extends to larger systems* How life happens at the edge of chaos, without a director* The brusque beauty of NYC society* Buddhi’s relationship husband TouchMoonflower* Spontaneity, improvisation, and play* Their homestead, the fire, and life afterward* How to breathe properly* Great yoga practices for people that sit at work* What we can do for joint health* Psychosomatic studies.* Burning Man, Vibecamp, and communityRegarding embodiment tools, Buddhi recommends OPTP Foam Rollers and Myofascial Release Balls. Thank you for listening, and thank you to Michael Curzi and Zachary Hundley for some extra questions.Until next time-Nick This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Oct 15, 2022
1 hr 46 min
#26 Brooke Bowman talks Vibecamp: A Victory of Vision
I am joined once again by Brooke Bowman. We spoke on episode 11 about drugs, homelessness, and maintaining a positive outlook. Today we discuss how Brooke leveraged that positivity into achieving her vision of a large meetup that exploded into a huge 400-person multiple-day partyfest known as Vibecamp. Click here to donate to Vibecamp.Brooke answers questions like:* What is Vibecamp?* How did Vibecamp start?* What happened at Vibecamp? What was the best part?* What’s the future of Vibecamp?* What were the biggest challenges in getting Vibecamp actualized?* How will Vibecamp mitigate the actions of bad actors?* What improvements can we hope for in the next vibecamp?* What is Brooke’s most insane worldview?* What does Brooke think of Roon and Curzi?* How can we support vibecamp?Vibecamp is an organization headed by Brooke that also includes:* Lithros* Embryosophy* Grin* ZerothAxiom* Georgejrjrjrjr* Hekatonsure* Orbnet* and you can follow Vibecamp itselfIf you want to support Brooke, you can donate to Brooke’s Patreon hereIf you’re interested in seeing more come from the Vibecamp team, donate to Vibecamp here, and there are more options to donate here.Cheers,Nick This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Apr 1, 2022
1 hr 2 min
#25 @Malcolm_Ocean on Self-Coercion, Systems Thinking, and The Divided Brain
In this information-packed episode Malcolm Ocean and I dissect The Divided Brain. We discuss the interplay between communication, self-coercion, and the roles of the left and right hemispheres.Malcolm answers questions like:* What is at the core of good conversation?* Is pursuit of productivity fundamentally ego-driven?* Is anxiety and self-coercion useful, and if so how?* How do you think we can we best attend to what our experiences are telling us about how we should orient ourselves?* Should we understand the conscious mind as fundamentally passive?Some references mentioned in the show:‘The Master and His Emissary’ by Iain McGilchrist‘Thinking in Systems’ by Donella MeadowsThe Reaching Truth PodcastFactorio This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jan 28, 2022
1 hr 47 min
#24 @TSZZL Roon, Apex Shape Rotator
🎧 Episode #24!I am joined by the Gen-Z programmer, shape rotator, shitpoaster, and memelord known as ‘Roon’. You can follow him @TSZZL on twitter dot com.Listen as we discuss the scarcity mindset, anonymous posting, wretched Economics, machine learning, bitcoin, billionaires, and much more.Roon answers questions like:* How has COVID-19 altered the trajectory of your life?* What is so dangerous about the study of Economics?* What’s the best shape you’ve ever rotated?* What’s your take on people that live with the scarcity mindset?* What’s the tension between what you want to do and what you end up doing?* What about this corner of twitter rubs you the wrong way?* How would you rank the titans of tech?* What do you think about experimenting with psychedelics?* Are people pathologically conflict avoidant, and if so, how?* To what do you attribute your outsized success?* & many moreWe hope you enjoy!-Nick This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Dec 14, 2021
1 hr 3 min
#23 @Visakanv on Accessibility & Playing the Right Game
🎧 Episode #23!🔥 On this inspiring episode, blogger, youtuber, and author of ‘Friendly Ambitious Nerd’ Visakanv discusses his ideas on how to leverage twitter’s accessibility, how to be a better friend, and how to play the right games.🤔 He answers questions like:* How should we think about accessibility and reach?* How can we put our work into gear?* What is the most profound way he’s changed his mind?* What's the deal with cults?* What is Visa working on in his next book titled 'Introspection'?* What do we need to avoid if we want to express the truest version of our selves?* What does a bad reply game look like, and how can we avoid it?* How can we interact with people we disagree with to reveal the gems worth finding?* What is the question everyone should be asking one another?* What does this corner of twitter need more of right now?Thank you for listening!😎 Nick This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Aug 27, 2021
2 hr 14 min
#22 PARTY EPISODE with @Maybegray, @Teddyraccovelt, & @Lithros
WHOO BOY!In this episode I talk to @Maybegray, @Teddyraccovelt, & @Lithros about* Why @Myceliummage sucks* How to fight* How to tell your dad he's not your dad* When YOU should have kids* What teddy thinks about sex positivity* Waiting for marriage to have sexual intercourse!* Pornography* What is Enlightenment?* Teddy tries tarot* Enlightenment vs. psychedelics* Who does the law serve?* A bit about IncarcerationAnd much more! I hope you love this episodeYours truly,Nick, @becomingcritter This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Aug 3, 2021
2 hr 9 min
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