Becoming Creature
Becoming Creature
#26 Brooke Bowman talks Vibecamp: A Victory of Vision
1 hour 2 minutes Posted Apr 1, 2022 at 3:28 pm.
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I am joined once again by Brooke Bowman. We spoke on episode 11 about drugs, homelessness, and maintaining a positive outlook. Today we discuss how Brooke leveraged that positivity into achieving her vision of a large meetup that exploded into a huge 400-person multiple-day partyfest known as Vibecamp.

Click here to donate to Vibecamp.

Brooke answers questions like:

* What is Vibecamp?

* How did Vibecamp start?

* What happened at Vibecamp? What was the best part?

* What’s the future of Vibecamp?

* What were the biggest challenges in getting Vibecamp actualized?

* How will Vibecamp mitigate the actions of bad actors?

* What improvements can we hope for in the next vibecamp?

* What is Brooke’s most insane worldview?

* What does Brooke think of Roon and Curzi?

* How can we support vibecamp?

Vibecamp is an organization headed by Brooke that also includes:

* Lithros

* Embryosophy

* Grin

* ZerothAxiom

* Georgejrjrjrjr

* Hekatonsure

* Orbnet

* and you can follow Vibecamp itself

If you want to support Brooke, you can donate to Brooke’s Patreon here

If you’re interested in seeing more come from the Vibecamp team, donate to Vibecamp here, and there are more options to donate here.



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