Becoming Creature
Becoming Creature
#24 @TSZZL Roon, Apex Shape Rotator
1 hour 3 minutes Posted Dec 14, 2021 at 3:58 pm.
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🎧 Episode #24!

I am joined by the Gen-Z programmer, shape rotator, shitpoaster, and memelord known as ‘Roon’. You can follow him @TSZZL on twitter dot com.

Listen as we discuss the scarcity mindset, anonymous posting, wretched Economics, machine learning, bitcoin, billionaires, and much more.

Roon answers questions like:

* How has COVID-19 altered the trajectory of your life?

* What is so dangerous about the study of Economics?

* What’s the best shape you’ve ever rotated?

* What’s your take on people that live with the scarcity mindset?

* What’s the tension between what you want to do and what you end up doing?

* What about this corner of twitter rubs you the wrong way?

* How would you rank the titans of tech?

* What do you think about experimenting with psychedelics?

* Are people pathologically conflict avoidant, and if so, how?

* To what do you attribute your outsized success?

* & many more

We hope you enjoy!


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