Kacia Ghetmiri
The Balancing Act: EXCITED about the PROCESS & FOCUSED on the END GOAL
15 minutes Posted Sep 2, 2019 at 12:30 am.
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In this episode:

  • Understanding what motivates you

  • Finding joy in the process

  • Being excited about the end goal

  • Getting clear on where you’re going

I’m really excited about today’s topic & SO grateful you are here because I think it’s going to be really impactful. We are talking about two ways to get ourselves moving to take action to chase those big dreams, or even just those little day to day goals too. This idea was actually sparked by a conversation with my fiance Seena about how we each get ourselves motivated & stay motivated in drastically different ways. We often think that its the PLAN towards a goal that matters, when in reality it’s normally one of two things: its either our ability to get ourselves excited about the plan or its our ability to get excited about what the plan could produce that makes us want to stay the course. Everyone is motivated in different ways, but it’s important for EVERYONE to be able to both find joy in the process but also having focus on the end goal. I can’t wait to hear what you think about this episode girl, I just know you’re going to love it!   



“You can be the happiest person ever and very joyful, but if you’re running around like a drunk squirrel, you’re not going to achieve your goals because you aren’t focused on where you’re going.”

“What were those things that you wanted to do before someone told you that you couldn’t? Or before you were worried about what other people thought about you?”

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re never going to get there.”

“Remember, that the people out there that are crushing their goals, they aren’t like magical unicorns, they’re just creating better environments around them physically and in their head.”

“You can intentionally focus on how to love the process and get crystal clear on the goal that you’re trying to work towards.”


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