Kacia Ghetmiri
Face your FEARS and DO IT SCARED: Interview w/ Ruth Soukup
53 minutes Posted Aug 29, 2019 at 12:30 am.
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In this episode:

  • Overview of the 7 fear archetypes

  • Identifying how your fear is showing up

  • Using your fear to serve you

  • Not being afraid to make mistakes

Ruth Soukup is a wife, mom, business owner, depression survivor, the New York Times bestselling author of six books, the founder of Living Well Spending Less® and Elite Blog Academy®! 

I am SO excited that you are here today to hear from Ruth, a woman on a MISSION to make MASSIVE impact.

We talk a lot about the 7 different archetypes of fear that she and a team of researchers found while working on her most recent book, Do It Scared.

We are all held back from fear in some way and we really dive into how fear manifests differently in certain personality types. When we become more AWARE of what might be holding us back then we can actually take action - which you know is what I am all about!

Ruth talks to you like your best friend but she KNOWS her STUFF and she shares so much tangible advice & things you can actually implement in your life that I really think are going to hit home with you!

As always, tag us with your takeaways on Instagram, I can’t wait to hear what you think!


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“You have to want it more than it hurts. You have to want it more than you’re scared of it. And you also sometimes have to expand your circle and find people that are gonna love you and support you and cheer you on.”

“It’s always gonna be that hard, and if you don’t keep pushing through and pushing through and pushing through you never get to the other side, you keep starting over and then it gets hard again, and then you quit… you have to push through.”

“Everyone is impacted by fear in some way, but fear does not affect all of us in the same way.”

“The worst that can happen right now is that you’ll fail & you’ll learn, and that’s okay.”



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