Kacia Ghetmiri
Broke Millennial: Get your Financial life together- Interview with Erin Lowry
48 minutes Posted Sep 5, 2019 at 12:30 am.
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In this episode:

  • Identifying your personal money story

  • Tactics for paying off your debt

  • Psychology behind how you think about money

  • Getting the financial accountability you need

Erin Lowry is the author of Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together, a personal finance book based on her blog of the same name. Erin founded Broke Millennial in 2013 to fill a gap in how the finance industry talked to her peers. Coming from a financially literate household, Lowry was surprised by how few millennials were comfortable discussing money, and how few content platforms catered to their specific circumstances. Since starting Broke Millennial Erin has been featured in news outlets like CNBC, The New York Times, USA Today, Forbes, and many others.

I’m SO excited for you to hear from Erin Lowry today, who is a millennial personal finance expert, author & speaker! I have heard from a lot of you that the topic of finance & money mindset is important to you and I really think she has SO much value to add! She knows her stuff & I love how refreshing her content is and how she takes this really complex jargon of finances and makes it very SIMPLE, but also talks about this in a way that really hits home. We talk about money mindset, and different studies about the psychology behind how we think about money & she even gives some tips and resources for getting out of debt. I can’t wait to hear what you think!!


  • Anything by Lizzo!

  • Sallie Mae Back by Dee-1


“I often look back on my early twenties as a time where I failed to invest in relationships because I was so focused on making money.”

“Studies have shown, by the ages of between 8 and 10, we’ve really kind of coded our relationship with money based on what we’re raised around.”

“Whatever the reason, we are looking at the numbers, it happened, let’s forgive ourselves & move the eff on.”

“My money mantra is very simple, either you control money or money controls you. And my goal is just to make sure that you’re in control.”


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