Prosperity With Purpose | Christian Leadership Coach | Create More Peace, Make More Money, Multiply Your Time, Steward Your Business God's Way #LeadingLadiesMovement
Prosperity With Purpose | Christian Leadership Coach | Create More Peace, Make More Money, Multiply Your Time, Steward Your Business God's Way #LeadingLadiesMovement
Jessica Hefley Christian Leadership Coach - formally "You're Worth It"
26 | Three Benefits of Stillness for Your Business
14 minutes Posted Apr 23, 2020 at 2:00 am.
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This week we’re going to talk about the three reasons stillness can be GOOD for your business. This may seem counterintuitive but hang with me! 

Remember your business is YOU! So you’ve got to take care of yourself first. Why do we fight stillness? Why do we feel that just being present is wasting time? We’ve got to explore the why. Why are you avoiding or resisting the stillness?


Let’s do some journaling to evaluate how you’re feeling. 

Journal Questions-What happens when you’re still?

Why am I fighting this? 

What is more important than this? 

After several conversations with my dear friend Rebekah Fowlkes (@social_made_simple on Instagram go check her out!), she recommended the book The Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. We’ve shared some awakenings we’ve had in our personal lives and our businesses. I really believe in this season God is calling us to lean into our full potential and rise up to our greater purpose. But that requires stillness to be able to listen. 


Three Benefits of Stillness for Your Business


  1. God wants to give you a creative idea. When we’re not in a routine mode, creativity is birthed. He has the best ideas and the best ideas for us. We have to be still to listen and ask for these things!
  2. He wants to tell us who to contact for your business. In my stream of business, network marketing, cold marketing sometimes turns people off. But I truly believe that He gives you the names of people that He wants us to reach out to and who need our services or products. 
  3. He wants to BLESS YOU and your business so you can bless others! Gifts and talents are to bless other people. And in your stillness, you can look for ways to bless people in new and different ways. 


We need to use this time to evaluate our daily lives. And how you can talk to God about your priorities and how you can make the most of this time. I’m so excited for all the ways He is going to work and bless your life! Take those still moments to walk and work with him!

This song came to me as I was preparing for this episode and I want to share a few of the lyrics from Hillsong’s Still. 


“Find rest my soul

In Christ alone

Know His power

In quietness and trust


And I will be still, and know You are God”

I’m SO glad you’re joining me on this journey of finding your self-worth. Your support means everything to me! Please subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to help us grow this message and serve more people!

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