Yonder Lies: Unpacking the Myths of Jackson Hole
Yonder Lies: Unpacking the Myths of Jackson Hole
Jesse Bryant & Hannah Habermann
Yonder Lies: Unpacking the Myths of Jackson Hole
Jesse Bryant & Hannah Habermann
Few places have come to symbolize the rapidly-changing American West quite like the valley of Jackson Hole, Wyoming—grizzlies still graze by the roadside, elk eat farm-raised grass, and, all the while, service workers, ranchers, ski bums, and billionaires also jostle to find their piece of paradise. For millennia, the human and non-human residents of Jackson Hole have co-existed in a complex struggle for the good life. But what is the state of this balance these days? And how have these relationships been shaped by recent changes in resources, demographics, and priorities of our communities? Yonder Lies, a new podcast from KHOL 89.1 and Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative Researchers, is your invitation to dive into the nitty-gritty of Jackson Hole. Hosted by writers and researchers Hannah Habermann and Jesse Bryant, Yonder Lies shares intimate stories of the people, conflicts, and institutions that have made this place what it is today. Subscribe now to join us, as we help sort fact from fiction and wonder what the future may hold for this beloved American landscape.
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± 79 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
October 4, 2021
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