This episode, we're joined by an extra special guest, Kim Thai @kthai6 . She is a community organizer and founder of Joyful Liberation Collective. They are also a mindfulness teacher, writer and an Emmy Award-winning storyteller! Tune in to dive deep into topics of identity, healing, and liberation within oppressive systems. In this episode, we chat about: The ripple effects that either reinforce or work against systems of oppression Kim Thai's mission to help others reclaim their power and freedom in the world. Ancestral practice and the healing power it can bring. The intersection of Buddhist teachings and modern everyday life. The concept of mindfulness in the attention economy. Engaged Buddhism and adapting teachings to address current societal needs. The commitment to transparency and learning from mistakes in the journey towards social justice and equity. You can find our guest at: Substack: @kimthai Website: www.thekimthai.com You can follow me at: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com Visit our website yellowglitterpodcast.com
May 1, 2024
55 min

In this episode, we're joined by Johnathan @jonahsahn , a pioneering content creator who began his journey in 2008. His unique perspective as a Black American and Filipino has made him a powerful voice at the intersection of Black and Asian identity. In 2020, he founded the Black and Asian Alliance Network, promoting solidarity between these communities during a time of heightened tension. Check out his podcast series, The Boys Are Black In Town @jonahsahn on YouTube. In this episode, we chat about: Video games and diversity Traveling to Japan and what a "sense of belonging" looks like Intersectionality of Black-ness and Asian-ness Nuanced activism and standing for your beliefs Doing the work to help the community Performative activism and virtue signalling You can find our guest at: Youtube: @jonahsahn Instagram: @jonahsahn You can follow me at: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com Visit our website yellowglitterpodcast.com
Apr 16, 2024
1 hr 28 min

In this episode, we're joined by Tai, who is a freelance creative director. His hunger for building community ultimately led to the creation of Naarak in August of 2022, and he is now an event organizer in the gay API NYC nightlife scene. In this episode, we chat about: Community resilience and fostering an environment where gay API have an accepting night-life space Coming into queer identity and finding a way to navigate that Intersectionality of queer-ness and Asian-ness as an adoptee The origins of Naarak initially starting with small gatherings and eventually expanding to larger events The difficulties of having open conversations and really listening to one another Challenging API stereotypes and demonstrating the community's willingness to engage and contribute to the city You can find our guest at: Tai Nakladda: naaraknyc.com Instagram: @nakalakalaka You can follow me at: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com Visit our website yellowglitterpodcast.com
Apr 7, 2024
1 hr 3 min

This episode, we're joined by Mike Curato, a gay first generation half Filipino-Irish American author and illustrator of books. He has created many picture books for young children, including his debut queer young adult graphic novel, Flamer, and upcoming books centering diverse creators and audiences. In this episode, we chat about: The launch of Flamer and how it was one of the most banned, talked about books of 2023 The difficulties with social media burnout, online bullying, and doomscrolling Strategies to protect our own mental health, energy, and peace Consuming content mindfully and compassionately Defining our own metrics - what impact are things having on us? Latest project highlighting community, diversity, and love Our upcoming projects for 2024 and beyond You can find our guest at: Mike Curato: mikecurato.com Instagram: @mike_curato You can follow me at: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com Visit our website yellowglitterpodcast.com
Dec 29, 2023
54 min

In this episode, we're joined by Harry Trinh, a queer Asian American art director and experiential designer based in NYC, and the Head of Creative of Welcome to Chinatown. In this episode, we chat about: His latest work with Welcome to Chinatown Pivoting from corporate life into his mission-driven work Understanding the value of community-centered work and raising the bottom-line The history of Chinatowns and unlocking our community’s potential through partnership Introducing creative career pathways for API folx Harry’s introduction to creativity and design through his family How queerness is intertwined with liberation You can find our guest at: Harry Trinh: https://experienceharry.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harry_trinh/ Welcome to Chinatown: https://welcometochinatown.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/welcome.to.chinatown You can follow me at: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com Visit our website yellowglitterpodcast.com
Dec 4, 2023
1 hr 11 min

In this episode, we're joined by Susan Liao, a product leader and champion of liberatory leadership working at the intersection of digital innovation, social entrepreneurship and non-profit impact strategy. In this episode, we chat about: Her journey into tech and product Navigating her life through agencies and startups Pivoting from the corporate world to impact-driven work Conforming into inequitable systems and role, and shifting away to find her voice Why we adapt as marginalized communities and how to break away from upholding inequitable systems What’s in Susan’s “kitchen sink” The future of work, diversifying the spaces we are a part of, and creating different forms of distributing wealth Challenging existing systems of work, capitalism, and labor The concept of "Space, pace, and grace" - how are we acknowledging rest as part of our work? Honoring the north star of the communities around us Creating more intention behind our beliefs, words, and actions The importance of rest and filling our cup You can find Susan at: LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/susanliao Startups for All: startupsforall.org Leaders Like Us: leaderslikeus.us Susan's first startup experience: Print All Over Me with NEW INC's Year 2 cohort About Ecocycles and strategy knotworking Improving cross-disciplinary collaboration with strategy knotworking and ecocycle planning, by Nancy White Emergent Strategy https://adriennemareebrown.net/book/emergent-strategy/ Petra Vega (She/Her/Ella), Liberatory Leadership Coach, Facilitator, Radical Social Worker and Emergent Strategist https://createmorepossibilities.com/about-me/ Ruha Benjamin https://www.ruhabenjamin.com/ Respect The Small https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct2gyOcP694/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== You can follow me at: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com Visit our website yellowglitterpodcast.com
Nov 20, 2023
59 min

In this episode, we're joined by Haruka Aoki, a queer Japanese artist and poet-illustrator, who takes us on a journey of self-discovery and artistic expression. In this episode, we chat about: The challenges of integrating into a new community The impact migration can have on identity and intersectionality The power of manifestation and the importance of collaboration in the creative process The importance of solidarity among marginalized communities Issues of performative activism and establishing genuine allyship Raising the bottom line for our underrepresented and historically marginalized communities Challenges and benefits of social media Haruka’s book tour and upcoming projects You can find Haruka at: Website: https://harukaaoki.com Instagram: @thecosmicharuka You can follow me at: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com
Oct 4, 2023
1 hr

This episode, we’re joined by an extra special guest, Lee-Sean Huang (he/they), a queer first-generation Taiwanese, Cantonese American designer and educator based in New York City and Providence. Lee-Sean Huang is the director of Design Content and learning at AIGA and a co-founder, creative director of Foossa, and teaches design and innovation at Parsons and SVA. This episode, we talk about: Lee-Sean's "midlife crisis" and how he is navigating a new chapter in his life Navigating corporate world and academia with queer & Asian identities His work with the New School and advocating for teachers The role of creativity and design in social impact Dismantling perfectionism, and leaning into imperfection as an invitation for social change The power of community-centered design You can find more information about our guest: @leesean on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn Website: https://foossa.com/leesean-huang Learn more about Yellow Glitter: Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com Website: yellowglitterpodcast.com
Aug 14, 2023
1 hr 1 min

In this episode, we’re joined by an extra special guest, ONCH, a multi-talented artist and jewelry designer based in Los Angeles. We chat about: The power of dreaming and creating a vision of our future Using a dream diary to record, capture, and realize everyday dreams ONCH's journey from Taiwan and finding oneself Setting intentions and manifesting reality Upcoming collaborations coming to life from dreams Becoming fearless and dreaming for a brighter future Learn more about ONCH: Website: onch.us Instagram: @onch You can follow me at: Website: yellowglitterpodcast.com Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com
Jul 17, 2023
57 min

This episode, we're joined by our lovely returning guest, Jonathan Gibbs, creator of the Black and Asian Alliance Network, a proud, gay, Black and Filipino American filmmaker, storyteller, podcaster, and gamer based in Brooklyn, NY. In this episode, we chat about: The importance of solidarity among marginalized communities Issues of performative activism and establishing genuine allyship Holding individuals and corporations accountable and enacting change The need for representation and visibility in media and entertainment for our communities Raising the bottom line for our underrepresented and historically marginalized communities Challenges and benefits of social media You can find Johnathan Gibbs at: Instagram: @jonahsahn Twitter: @jonahsahn Youtube: @blasianFMA You can follow me at: Website: yellowglitterpodcast.com Instagram: @stevenwakabayashi YouTube: @stevenwakabayashi Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: mindfulmoments.substack.com
Jun 19, 2023
1 hr 10 min
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