Wool-Shift-Dust watches Beacon 23
Wool-Shift-Dust watches Beacon 23
Wool-Shift-Dust watches Beacon 23
Between Silo seasons, Wool-Shift-Dust is exploring the outer sectors of the galaxy with the newest Hugh Howey sci-fi adaptation to hit the screen: Beacon 23, airing on MGM+. We'll be covering the full season, a few episodes at a time.Meanwhile, our ongoing Dune retrospective goes deep into what makes a good adaptation, with the book many call the most important work of science fiction ever, the unadaptable yet often adapted Dune – from the book to the movies you know and the ones you probably missed, we get into the lore, philosophy, filmmaking, and Sting's winged speedo (we have some laughs, too).Also, listen back to our Halloween Edgar Allan Poe and The Fall of the House of Usher coverage, and our weekly breakdowns of Silo, Apple TV+’s dystopic scifi thriller, from two different perspectives: book reader Elysia, and show only Luke, with spoilers only up to the episode discussed and equivalent parts of the book.Coming this holiday season: Wool-Shift-Dust explores the world of It's a Wonderful Life Coming in Jan: Wool-Shift-Dust studies The Three-Body ProblemFind us on Twitter: Elysia Brenner: @elysiacb Luke Middup: @LUKEMIDDUPAnd Discord: https://discord.gg/8CeM9crUEmail us: WoolShiftDustPodcast@gmail.comJoin the Wool-Shift-Dust bookclub: http://www.patreon.com/WoolShiftDust/Published by The Lorehounds. (c) Elysia Brenner 2023
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