What’s’n Yer Pocket? Podcast

What’s’n Yer Pocket?

Jaguel And sons
It’s just us, two friends who moderately enjoy talking to each other, answering “what If...?” questions. We will grab your mind, take your ears and care for both with the tender love of a grandpapa pocket elf. Come on all the silly thought trails we take in answering seemingly random questions, while we keep you company, and supply plenty of stupid jokes. If you want to know what’s in your pocket, stick around we’ll tell you.
EP: 21 What’s’n Yer Pocket? A baby - A soul
Mouth watering leftovers, penny on an eyelid, stupid narrators, and bad accents.
Jun 30, 2021
1 hr
EP: 20 What's'n Yer Pocket? Jaki and Micheal
Charming pecs, High on life...and cocain, Inhabit me Elon, 600lbs of "strength", Cocain Sea Urchin, Wrestling yourself naked.
Jun 22, 2021
1 hr
EP: 19 What's'n Yer Pocket? A Snail Swan
Big bird feeding us, traumatized fork, invincible heart, best friend in a box.
Jun 15, 2021
1 hr
EP: 18 What’s’n Yer Pocket? A proud shirt
Baby Chain, earthquake jackpot, suitist community, Pope the grey.
Jun 9, 2021
1 hr
EP 17: What's'n Yer Pocket? Riminy Jicket and The Bulgarian
"Our Father who art in the kitchen hallowed be my name...", Don't touch my Jiminy! , Rub that vase, Good Christian Boy.
Jun 2, 2021
59 min
EP: 16 What’s’n Yer Pocket? A Mannequin sadist
Getting Swole in a second, grass slurping snakes, mental make out, Private PDA. Hitchcock: *walks into kitchen.* egg: *existing* Hitchcock: *Anxiety*
May 25, 2021
56 min
EP: 15 What's'n Yer Pocket? A Prepubescent 80 Year Old
Loving MRI, Can you give me the talk son?, Cultural Inappropriation, Cowboys Indians and Immigrants, Jericho: a real boy
May 18, 2021
59 min
EP:14 What's'n Yer Pocket? The Common Cannibal Gypsy
Mother's face tattoo, Sweet smell of lust, Human farms, Steam punk caravan
May 12, 2021
59 min
EP:13 What's'n Yer Pocket? Boys that Math Good
Two way mirror, Unintended Facetime... with strangers... in the bathroom, Self inflicted stealth, 3 hours of sleep to live a dream, 7 foot snowman, Homeless adventure dream boy, Mud man ceremony with Sisters, Dream Jobs SUCK.
May 5, 2021
56 min
EP: 12 What's'n Yer Pocket? EndanElder™ - A new way to end a life, and start a new one!
Sacrificial grandpa, underground touch circles, level up to your grave, soul cancer
Apr 28, 2021
57 min
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