We Should Talk About That
We Should Talk About That
Jessica Kidwell
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The Unnatural Space of Motherhood, Guilt, and Self Abandonment: A Movie Review
45 minutes Posted Jan 17, 2022 at 2:00 am.
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When The Two Jess(es) watched Maggie Gyllenhaal's, The Lost Daughter, they knew it was absolutely something we should talk about.
Motherhood. The dark and light side- the highest highs and the lowest lows- this movie made them feel EVERYTHING and most of it made them feel like they were coming out of their skin with discomfort. 
TTJ(es) have always had a lot to say on the topic, but using Gyllenhaal's directorial debut as the basis for this conversation takes the topic to a whole other level.
Raw, and as authentic as they have ever gotten- Jess and Jess talk about the shame, the secrecy, the fundamental flaws that attach themselves to the honest conversation around becoming a mother, losing ourselves in motherhood, and finding ourselves outside of that sphere- if it is even possible.
To choose ourselves within the confines of what is supposed to be "the most natural thing" we judge as selfish, crass, and certainly the worst of motherkind.
But is it? TTJ(es) have lots of questions, very little answers, and a whole lot of tears to share. 

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