Urge to Kill - VS
Urge to Kill - VS
KGW | VAULT Studios
Urge to Kill - VS
KGW | VAULT Studios
Just after celebrating a bachelorette party in July 2016, Kaylee Sawyer disappeared in the middle of the night. The horrific details of her brutal rape and eventual death shook the residents of a quiet town in the Pacific Northwest. Her killer would go on to terrorize several other families in a multi-state crime spree, simply because he said he had the “urge to kill.” We’ll follow investigators as they uncover the wild twists and turns of this case, and speak to each of his victims who were lucky to get out alive. • Subscribe and rate the podcast while you're here•Watch full interviews on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=K8Ybxc7jUzA
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 211 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
October 24, 2022
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