The Transformation Blueprint Podcast
The Transformation Blueprint
Paul Stennett
023 Marcia Forbes: Building a Multi-Generation Family Business - episode of The Transformation Blueprint podcast

023 Marcia Forbes: Building a Multi-Generation Family Business

44 minutes Posted Apr 12, 2018 at 2:52 am.
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Marcia Forbes (@marciaforbes) co-founded her company Phase 3 Productions over 35 years ago. She is now the Executive Chairperson and has transformed it into a strong family business, where her son, Delano is CEO.

It’s interesting how they’ve been able to reinvent and renew the business each decade by building on the principles of technology & empowerment.

She's a Senior Lecturer at Caribbean Institute of Media & Communication (CARIMAC), Chairperson of The United Way of Jamaica, author of two books and so much more.

We’re going to learn about:

  • the foundation you need to be on top for decades
  • self-awareness and removing the guilt from traditional family and gender roles
  • volunteerism and Marcia’s work as a champion for women’s rights and equality, and so much more.