The Transformation Blueprint Podcast
The Transformation Blueprint
Paul Stennett
022 Jason Resnick: Freelancing From Famine to Feast - episode of The Transformation Blueprint podcast

022 Jason Resnick: Freelancing From Famine to Feast

47 minutes Posted Mar 21, 2018 at 4:45 am.
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Jason Resnick (@rezzz) sits in the podcast today!

He has been making a living and a life that he loves purely from his freelancing for multiple years, and he now helps people to do it the right way with his community and course called “Live in the Feast”. What is the right way you ask? How about working less, charging more, and doing only on the projects that you love? We get into it today!

In this episode, you’ll also learn about everything from:

  • How to get started the right way in setting up your freelancing agency
  • How to add the extra layer on top that makes some freelancers irresistible to clients while others are struggling to find work
  • Why you should do the counter-intuitive thing and get super specific with what you’re offering in your early days and so much more!