The Transformation Blueprint Podcast
The Transformation Blueprint
Paul Stennett
024 Andre Burnett: Turning Creativity Into An In-Demand Investment - episode of The Transformation Blueprint podcast

024 Andre Burnett: Turning Creativity Into An In-Demand Investment

44 minutes Posted May 1, 2018 at 3:35 pm.
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Show notes

Andre Burnett (@dre.notnice) is a Brand Strategist, Creative Director, Copywriter, you name it - he probably does it, and Managing Director of Muse 360 Integrated. Andre & Muse are behind many of Jamaica’s most creative ads around today. We get into a lot of his journey to starting his company, his philosophy for melding creativity and business and the mistakes he's had to overcome along the way.

One unusual tidbit: we recorded this episode at the sanctuary, which you’ll hear more about. It is in the middle of nature, so you’ll hear a lot of that on this episode.

We’re also going to learn about:

  • how to develop the right thought process to be comfortable taking on debt
  • how to make the transformation from employee to business owner
  • why thinking INSIDE the box may not be such a bad thing
  • and so much more.