The Season Podcast
The Season
Fitz Cahall and Bryan Smith
The Season
Fitz Cahall and Bryan Smith
Rise up. Become legend. Welcome to The Season 2. From award-winning adventure filmmaker Bryan Smith and writer Fitz Cahall, this 22-episode series follows five athletes through the course of a single season to tell their unique stories. An amputee climber sets his sights on becoming whole again by returning to Yosemite to realize a lifelong dream. A conservationist and angler searches for a fabled ghost run of wild steelhead on one of California’s most troubled rivers. One of the world’s best boulderers struggles to balance her career as a boulder with raising her daughter. From a burned forest, a vision of an incredible mountain bike trail emerges from the ashes into reality. In the wake of achieving an unthinkable goal, a ski mountaineer returns to the peak where he first met failure. Join us.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
13 years ago
December 1, 2011
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