THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Christian Harris: author, business owner and entrepreneur
Ep. 72 - Phil Tavel Seattle City Counsel Election Update
19 minutes Posted Sep 23, 2019 at 11:51 am.
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Show notes

This week's guest is Phil Tavel, with an update on his running for Seattle City Council District 1 (West Seattle). As someone who has lived in West Seattle for over 20 years, he did great in the primary and is positioned to make real change for Seattle.

Get out and vote and make your voice heard!

Tavel is heavily involved in the community’s civic organization. He is currently the vice president of the Morgan Community Association (MoCA), on the board that runs the Morgan Junction Festival, vice president on the board of directors of Allied Arts, Seattle’s oldest civic organization which was primarily responsible for saving Pike Place Market and Pioneer Square, and is on the board of directors of the Seattle Green Spaces Coalition in West Seattle. Additionally, Phil has participated in 500 trivia nights at Talarico's Pizzeria, raising funds for organizations such as the West Seattle Helpline, Westside Baby, and the YMCA after school program.

Phil Tavel will bring new experiences to the Seattle City Council. As a former high school Physics teacher and past owner of multiple small businesses, Phil is capable of understanding difficult issues and is ready to listen to the people of Seattle.

Episode Highlights:

  • Why Phil is running for Seattle City Council
  • Backed by the community
  • He has a business background
  • Involvement in community civic organization
  • What he believes needs to change:
    • Listening to everyone
    • Understanding our budget
    • Collaborating
  • Multi-Department Rules (MDARs) and homelessness
  • Explanation of MHA – the Mandatory Housing Affordability up-zone
  • What Phil can bring to the Seattle City Council

Links & Resources:

Guest’s Contact Info:

Phil Tavel (206) 206-507-4962

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