THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Christian Harris: author, business owner and entrepreneur
Ep. 071 - West Seattle Beer & Music Festival - LIVE
17 minutes Posted Sep 15, 2019 at 4:10 pm.
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This week on the Sea-Town Podcast, we are sharing some micro interviews from the West Seattle Beer and Music Festival. The West Seattle Beer and Music Festival is a unique event at the Alki Masonic Center featuring 20 brewers. The goal is to celebrate craft beers, great music & community while raising awareness and funds for the West Seattle Food Bank. 

During the episode, I speak with Michael, the owner of Ghost Fish Brewery in SODO. They are celebrating their five year anniversary. I personally love Ghost Fish. The food is great and they offer delicious gluten free beers.

I also chat with DJ Mr. Moon. He came out to the festival and played music between bands. His role was to pull everything together, to keep the beer flowing and the people interested. This was his Second year doing it and thinks it’s a great event for the neighborhood.

Bob Lovelace, the man who started Willow and I also have a conversation. He does touring working and playing work. When it comes down to it, he really just thinks of himself as a deadhead hippie. He loves playing songs that reflect how he feels.

Steve Smith, the founder of Seattle Drum School, and I chat for a bit as well. The Seattle Drum School started in 1986. They started just with drums. Although it has evolved and grown into a full music school from there. They now have 30 teachers and locations in Lake City and in Georgetown.

Steve is not only a teacher, but a player as well. He plays in a band. His wife is an amazing musician as well and has a family album coming out. She is a singer/songwriter. 

Joe "the mayor" Jeannot wraps up the weekend of The Second Annual Beer and Music festival with, "They came, they saw, they drank a lot of beer. Overall it was great turnout and everyone had a great time. Get ready for year three..."!

Learn more about the West Seattle Beer and Music Festival and hear from great people in the community during this episode of the Sea-Town Podcast.

Episode Highlights:

  • Ghost Fish’s five year anniversary
  • How Willow got started
  • Willows involvement in West Seattle Beer and Musical Festival
  • Steve Smith’s backstory 
  • What’s next for Seattle Drum School
  • Donald Watts role 

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