THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Christian Harris: author, business owner and entrepreneur
THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Christian Harris: author, business owner and entrepreneur
Here in Seattle, we take great pride in our various neighborhoods that we live in and all the things that make this area of the country so great… and the local businesses are a large part of what shape the flavor and character of these great neighborhoods that we love. I created this podcast to help tell the stories of other Seattle based businesses, entrepreneurs and others involved in the community. I want to highlight these people and what they are doing in serving others and their community here in Seattle. I mean really... Who doesn't want to know more about our local businesses and the brave souls who started them? Who wouldn't want to support them and see them and our neighborhoods thrive?! Do you know someone with an important message or story to tell? Please let me know, I would love to have them on this podcast. Find out more and sign up Stay up-to-date with the latest weekly episodes by subscribing to The Sea-Town Podcast on iTunes Find out more about Christian Harris - author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, Army Veteran, Real Estate Broker, founder & host of this Podcast - check out WWW.SEA-TOWN.COM
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 26 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
January 3, 2020
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