Today we discussed Alex's feelings around her wedding and the planning leading up to it. As our current listeners know, Alex deals with diagnosed anxiety and can oftentimes be faced with challenges that others may not feel or understand. In this episode, she discusses why she decided to still have a large wedding even though the idea of being the center of attention is terrifying for her. Let us know what you'd like to hear next!
Jan 28, 2020
37 min

Today we discuss Multi-Level Marketing companies better known as the Pyramid Scheme. Alex became interested in the topic after doing some research on how these companies function. This topic is a bit different than what we have been focusing on but we felt like it was an interesting one to discuss. Send over your feedback or any topic suggestions, we sincerely appreciate hearing from our listeners!
Jan 14, 2020
32 min

Today we expanded on last episodes topic of declining mental health in today's youth. We are touching on this subject because while it is a hard one to talk about it is crucial we have more conversations about this. Let us know your thoughts! If you have any topic suggestions, send them over. We sincerely appreciate those of you who listen in and give feedback.
Jan 7, 2020
57 min

Today we touched on a more serious topic of teen suicide. Recently our family has been personally touched by this issue and in today's episode we give our thoughts. We are not professionals by any means but we think it is important to discuss this topic. We will be expanding more on this in future episodes.Thank you for listening!
Dec 31, 2019
29 min

Today we discussed Alex's experience learning how to cope with her anxieties now that she has flown the nest. We give our personal insight, and tips and tricks on how to overcome. We are not experts by any means but we hope sharing our experiences helps anyone whos felt like they may be alone!
Dec 11, 2019
44 min

Today we discuss Alex's experience going away to college while dealing with her anxiety. In this episode, we give some tips and insight on how to make the experience a positive one. It is important for everyone to eventually get out on their own and it can be difficult when you battle yourself internally. In this episode, we dive deeper into the topic of dealing with anxiety.
Dec 3, 2019
48 min

Today we dive deeper into the topic of childhood anxiety and how Alex personally felt growing up and still to this day. We discuss how parenting a child with anxiety may differ from parenting a child that does not face the challenges anxiety brings. If these are topics you enjoy, please give us a like or leave a comment!
Nov 26, 2019
36 min

Today we talk about being a Fire Family and what is it like having a dad/husband who is in the fire service. We discuss the challenges we face that may be different than others. This is one of our favorite topics as it is something we don't often think about as this is our normal!
Nov 19, 2019
53 min

In today's episode, we have a special guest Chase, Alex's fiance! He joins us in talking about how being brought up in completely different environments can affect your thoughts on your future. We discuss how teachers, parents, and the area you live, can all play a role in where you see yourself being later in life. Chase talks about how he broke free of the norms of his hometown in order to give himself a chance at reaching his goals.
Nov 12, 2019
39 min

Welcome back! Today's episode is a bit all over the place but that's the fun of these types of conversations! We start by discussing the possibility of life outside the earth, which eventually leads us into a conversation about faith and why humans need something to believe in. It was a pretty awesome conversation and we hope you all enjoy! Be sure to like and share with your friends.
Nov 5, 2019
54 min
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