The Reality Tunnels Podcast Podcast

The Reality Tunnels Podcast

Josh Nordwick
Every individual has their own unique way of looking at the world. I call this a reality tunnel. Individuals with extraordinary lives typically have extraordinary reality tunnels. In this podcast, I put myself into my guest’s reality tunnel by helping them to tell their life story. We cover everything from movement to metaphysics to entrepreneurship and everything in between.
#36 - Human Nature Hunting with Bruce McGlenn
Bruce McGlenn and I sit down for a discussion on how disconnected we've become from nature and what it means to hunt in a holistic way. Bruce's Website:
May 11, 2020
1 hr 7 min
#35 - Coaching, Podcasting, and Shadow-Work with Conner Moore
I sit down in Seattle with Conner Moore and discuss growing up in small-town Texas and moving into coaching/podcasting.  Instagram: Conner Moore on Facebook: Realness Community on Facebook: YouTube:
May 11, 2020
1 hr 32 min
#34 - Tribe Design and Hawaii Pig Hunt with Zach Cuaresma
I sit down with Zach Cuaresma in Bellingham, WA to recount our adventure with Internation Tribe Design and pig-hunting on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Links to follow up on his work: Website: Instagram:
May 11, 2020
57 min
#33 - Holistic Hunting and Working with Emotions with Josh Akins
I sit down with Josh Akins at his former home on the Big Island of Hawaii to discuss holistic hunting and working with emotions.  Connect with Josh via Instagram:
May 11, 2020
1 hr 6 min
#32 - Developing Relationship with land and Norse Mythology with Dave Williams
In this episode, I sit down with Gunnery Sergeant Dave Williams to discuss his time in the military, developing a relationship with the land, Norse Mythology, and Survivology101. Links to follow up on work: Website: Survival Tools: Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: Business Email: [email protected] Personal Email: [email protected] Surivology101 on all social media
May 11, 2020
1 hr 31 min
#31 - Rites of Passage with the Twin Eagles Crew
In this episode, I interview Tim, Jeannie, Nathan, and Rennie to take a deeper look at Rites of Passage from both the facilitators and the initiates. Links to follow up: Contact Tim & Janine - Tim’s Men Right of Passage:
May 11, 2020
1 hr 39 min
SoloCast Introducing Episodes 31-36
In this episode, I explain why I haven't published a podcast in over a year and a half and outline the final 6 episodes of the podcast.
May 11, 2020
5 min
#30 –Living with Vision and Purpose with Tim Corcoran –Twin Eagles Part 1
Tim Corcoran was recommended to me as a podcast guest long before I even had a podcast. Tim, and his wife Jeannine, started Twin Eagles Wilderness School - a type of place that seems like a place that came straight out of a dream from a couple of visionary people. This is part 1 of a 2 part podcast. Tim has a really interesting story and you can tell that he's done his best to mine as much wisdom from it as possible. Check it out and don't miss part 2 where Jeanine and a couple teens from camp pitch in to help tell the story, coming soon!
Oct 4, 2018
59 min
#29 - Sacred Hunting with Joshua Walters - and the story of my first archery bull
Synchronicity connected me with Joshua Walters a week after I set the intention to learn more about the spiritual side of hunting. This podcast starts with me performing a short song with my flute, sharing the story of my first archery bull, Joshua playing the guitar, and then a podcast on sacred hunting. If the word hunting triggers any emotion for you, positive or negative, I encourage you to give this podcast a listen. This is one of the best episodes that I've put out and I hope you enjoy it.
Sep 18, 2018
1 hr 28 min
#28 – Word Power, Breathing, and Mushrooms with Benjamin Pelton
Ben is a polymath and a champion for health and wellness. Ben and I connected at the Flow State Summit and immediately realized that we had a lot of similar interests that needed to be discussed on a podcast. In this podcast, we cover: Ben’s 10-day Super Mushroom Fast experiment. What it’s like to be on mushrooms for 7 days straight, fast from food for 72 hours, and then do mushrooms again. The power of the world to create reality. Why it’s so important to choose your words carefully. The Wim Hof Method, Ben shares his daily breathwork and cold exposure practice. Why the Flow State Summit is such a unique event. I share a couple of my most profound personal experiences with mushrooms and fasting. Don't forget to join my email newsletter at
Sep 3, 2018
1 hr 20 min
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