The Powers Project
The Powers Project
Kurt Powers
#90 - The Truth Behind the Relationship with Israel, Palestine, and the U.S. - With Dr. Ari Lamm
2 hour 1 minutes Posted Sep 27, 2021 at 6:10 am.
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This was such an amazing episode to me. Dr Ari Lamm is a Rabbi and Historian and extremely knowledgable when it comes to the conflict in the Middle East. We had an honest discussion about what is really going on over there compared to what we've been told. We also talked about the 7 billion dollars in aid that we give Israel every year, and what that aid really goes to. I think you'll find that both Dr. Ari and myself were as fair as possible when discussing this topic and all it entails. It was extremely informative and enlightening in many respects, and probably as civil a conversation that has ever been had when discussing the Middle East. 
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