The Harmony Experiment Podcast Podcast

The Harmony Experiment Podcast

The Harmony Experiment is a podcast hosted by self-empowerment coach, human design reader, dancer, woman, and truth seeker Margaret Hobson, that showcases empowering, accessible, and integrative health, mindset, and lifestyle content. Life is a continuous experiment in finding true harmony and that's what we're here to explore together. Much love, and let's get into it!
#47: A Reflection on Some of the Most Important Lessons I Learned in my 20s
I hope this serves your reflection and growth process! Connect with me: @theharmonyexperiment @_margarethobson_    
Jan 29, 2021
31 min
#46: Intro to INVESTING with Bruce Laning, CFA & Mike Tyler, CFP
My friends! I am pumped to bring you today's episode. We are talking about all things INVESTING. As I say in the intro, this is not a passive listen, so grab a notebook! So many of us are overwhelmed and intimidated by the information surrounding investing and feel timid about jumping in, but we say, no more! Today my uncle, Bruce Laning, and his colleague, Mike Tyler bring you all the info you need to get started coming from decades of experience.  We talk about: -Investing terms & definitions -Your options for investing based on your type of employment -Working with an advisor vs setting up an account on your own -What happened to the stock market when covid hit -Investing apps -Why invest vs just utilizing savings accounts -and more! (retirement calculator mentioned) @theharmonyexperiment
Jan 12, 2021
1 hr 22 min
#45 Morning Chat: If You're Not Feeling it Today, Listen to This...
Hello hello! We're doing something a little bit different today, and I'm bringing you a little bit of a motivational chat that you can listen to while you're getting ready, on your way to work, while you're walking your dog, or anytime you just need a boost. I hope you love it!  Connect with me: @TheHarmonyExperiment @_margarethobson_  
Nov 18, 2020
10 min
#44: Unconventional Advice for Trying Times
Hi my loves! Here with a spontaneous episode sharing 4 pieces of unconventional advice that I've learned over the years of trying EVERYTHING in the personal growth realm. All the opposite of things you probably hear all the time. I hope it resonates with you and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Stay til the end for a special offer ;) hit me up: @theharmonyexperiment @_margarethobson_ [email protected]
Nov 2, 2020
38 min
#43: Morning Guided Pause for Calm Confidence
Oh hey! It's a T.H.E. first!  As it's been suggested by many friends and listeners, I am going to start EXPERIMENTING with creating meditations that I like to call, 'Guided Pauses'. This is super new for me, but I am excited to get creative and hopefully bring you something that adds to your daily routine. This one was completely channeled and I did not write it ahead of time because that's just what felt right. I would love your feedback so please find me on IG @theharmonyexperiment and let me know what you think!  If you love this podcast, I would so appreciate a rating and review on iTunes, as it helps us out a lot! Much love and talk to you soon :)
Oct 1, 2020
11 min
#42: What It Was Like to Live in LA for Seven Years: Positives and Negatives, Advice, and Reflections
Hello my people! Welcome back to the podcast. Today I am sharing with you all about my experience living in Los Angeles through my 20s for seven years. We go into everything lifestyle, cost of living, friendships, dating, work, the industry, and more. If you've ever wondered what it's like to live there or are considering moving there, this episode is for you!  @_theharmonyexperiment  @_margarethobson_
Sep 17, 2020
1 hr
#41: Creating Unshakable Joy, Educating Ourselves, Racism's Ugly Evolution, and Never Getting Complacent with Desmond Winn
So excited to share my good friend Desmond with you on today's episode. We talk about his upbringing in the south, to moving out to LA to pursue acting, to moving back south to regroup and reimagine his dreams, to what he’s learned about achieving goals day by day, to the experiences of his grandmother growing up in Jim Crow era Alabama, to the ways her as well as his mother are his heroes, to racism’s evolution through the years and where we are today, to visions for the future. That’s just a brief preview of everything we get into on this episode, and it’s an important conversation shared between two friends looking to grow. I have learned so much from Des over the years and I can’t wait for you to get his message here on the pod!    Connect with Des: @bloc_ent Connect with us: @TheHarmonyExperiment                  
Sep 2, 2020
1 hr 27 min
#40: Moving from LA to Chicago, Healing Through Life Changes, and Other Updates
We back baby! And so, so happy about it. Today I'm serving you a a quickie solo update episode talking about our recent move from LA to Chicago, how that transition has felt and what it has brought up for me, how to go toward your resistance and fear to heal, rethinking consistency, working on yourself while also working to change the world, dealing with anxiety in the midst of change, AND a word I'm working with as well as an affirmation. I'm so excited to be engaging with you again. As always, if you are interested in a tarot or human design reading or self-empowerment coaching, hit me up below! Emails and DMs will be responded to within 24 hours @_margarethobson_ @theharmonyexperiment  [email protected]
Aug 13, 2020
31 min
#39: Spiritual Growth and Allowing Yourself to Change Your Mind with Renee Petkovski
I am SO excited to share this super special episode with one of my best friends, Renee Petkovski. Renee has been THROUGH IT the last year and a half and she’s coming on to share her story. From knowing she wanted to be a pro dancer since she was 4 to living in NY, to Florida, to LA making all her dreams come true, to realizing her dreams were changing, to an injury that changed her life overnight and put her in a position to reevaluate absolutely everything. Renee experienced isolation for months because of this before the rest of the world did in 2020, and we talk all about what that time revealed to her about what really matters in life. We also talk all things spiritual growth and what were some of the experiences that have made us better people. I cannot wait for you to hear it! Connect with Renee: IG: @pepsi_d [email protected]   Myself and T.H.E. : @theharmonyexperiment  @_margarethobson_   
Jul 9, 2020
1 hr 39 min
#38: Let's Talk About It: Racism, Unpacking My White Privilege, and How I'm working Toward Real Allyship
My friends, thank you for being here. I air this episode not to take up space centering myself and my story, but to be public and clear about where I stand and where this podcast stands. To hold myself accountable. As someone creating content and running an online business, I believe this is very important. I want everyone who comes to The Harmony Experiment to know what they’re coming to and what we’re working towards. I want everyone to feel safe here. I will do this messily and imperfectly, but I will do it. This was never meant to be a white only space and it never will be. I have so much to learn and so much work to do to improve and my whiteness will always reveal itself, but I’m committed to staying uncomfortable to do my part in educating myself and dismantling white supremacy and racism. Always open to hearing what you’d like to see more/less of on the show and how I can show up for you. So much love, let’s keep this going #blacklivesmatter RESOURCES: Rachel Ricketts Spiritual Activism 101 workshop and other anti-racism resources: Rachel Cargle courses, templates, and resources: Donate: Campaign Zero The Loveland Foundation Black Lives Matter The Bail Project Color Of Change Books: Between the World and Me By: Ta-Nehisi Coates So You Want to Talk About Race By: Ijeoma Oluo  How To Be an Antiracist By: Ibram X Kendi  
Jun 12, 2020
37 min
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