Why grocery shop for groceries in person when online grocery shopping is so very easy. But you’re on a budget? No problem these 4 tips can help you save money when you grocery shop online. I use them each time I shop to save and they can help you too.
Jul 30, 2021
20 min

If you want to get started freezer cooking then this podcast is for you. It has the 5 must have tools you need to get your freezer cooking off to a great success.
May 12, 2021
10 min

We have come to the end of 2020. And boy I’m glad it’s almost over. It’s been quite a year. If you feel you are stuck in a perpetual bad day these tips can help.
The new year comes with the promise of a new fresh start. After the year we just had, I’m sure you are ready for a fresh start.
To make that fresh start you need to change your thinking. Especially if you’ve been caught in a rut of stress and anxiety over this past year.
I hoping this podcast can give you a few ways to turn your thinking around to get ready to embrace the new year and beyond.
Get the Chaos to Calm Life Planner
Show Notes
Let’s face it 2020 started out with a lot of promise. But in a few months everything changed and it all went downhill from there.
It was easy to fall into survival mode and barely get by for weeks or months on end. And living like that is no fun at all.
After this year you may just be hoping for a better year, a more stable year and I hear you. I’m looking forward to it too.
And there are a few things you can do and think about to get to that place of peace and stability again. Changing your mindset is the first step in making change.
How to Change Your Mindset
These 5 small steps can help you change your mindset and make the new year the best year. And after a year like this year, we all need a fresh start.
Stop Dwelling on the Bad
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with our thoughts. Each day comes with a new promise. You wake up with hope and excitement and then the day starts.
And the thoughts start. Racing in your mind. And let’s be truthful those thoughts aren’t usually happy thoughts about how great the day will be.
They are usually thoughts of all you have to do. All you needed to do yesterday and everything that could go wrong.
When those thoughts well up in your mind, it’s time to turn them off. And to do that can be as simple as turning around those thoughts in a positive way.
Instead of saying, I have so much to do today, I’ll never get it done.
Try saying, Wow I have a lot to do, I wonder how much I can get done.
Spinning those negatively phrased thoughts around can make a big difference in how we feel. And what we can accomplish.
Find Stability Where You Can
When it seems the whole world is upside down. Take refuge in traditions. Make a special meal that reminds you of family.
Get on the phone and actually talk to people. Texting is fine but when you are feeling isolated, actually hearing a persons voice can make a huge difference.
Or if you are able get on a video call with friends. It’s not the same as being with them but it’s nice to be able to see their faces and hear their voices and share about everyday things.
As boring as that can be. The boring normal things can help bring a sense of stability.
Give Yourself Permission to Grieve
I know it may seem weird to grieve about the loss of a year to a pandemic. But you need to acknowledge this year was hard.
It was unlike anything you’ve experienced. And so many things had to change. You had to let go of so much.
Dec 30, 2020
11 min

We all could use a few more hours in the day but we know that isn’t going to happen. But when you make the most of the time you have you can get more done, or at least the important things done with these 4 simple steps.
Oct 21, 2020
15 min

If your holiday season is usually full of stress and constantly running from tasks to task, this podcast is for you. Make your holiday season less stressful and more joyful. It’s can be done if you start now and these 14 tips can help make this holiday season your most peaceful one yet, with less stress and more rest.
Sep 24, 2020
17 min

Thoughts it easy for them to start to consume brief moments and then they branch out into more and more time. Soon your thoughts have taken over and it’s hard to get things done. Stop those racing, rambling thoughts with these 5 steps. They really work.
Jun 4, 2020
14 min

You’ve been trying so hard to make a budget and stick to it. You know you need too. You are tried of living paycheck to paycheck but each month you are spending more than you make.
It’s a vicious cycle and you know you need to change. You need to know how to stop spending money, you don’t have.
Each Month…
You make a budget. You plan everything out but then you go out to the store. And you spend a lot more, then you were planning on.
You ask yourself “Why can’t I stop spending money?”
Why does this keep happening, over and over? You need a better solution, a solution to your overspending. But what change do you need to make?
And that is what today’s podcast is all about. The one change you need to make to stop overspending and finally stay on budget.
And reach your financial goals.
If you are someone who has tried so many times to stay on budget but month after month you are overspending, this podcast is for you.
Listen now or read more below…
How to Stop Spending Money
A few key points from the podcast…
You Need a Budget
If you don’t have a budget, you need to make one. (But this is not the one change you must make.)
You need to make a budget and follow it each month. And I don’t mean plan a budget and then don’t look at it until the month is over. When it’s too late to get back on track.
I know because that is how I used to budget. Set a budget, then go about the month until we got to the end and then realize. We’d overspent. Not a good plan at all.
How Do You Resist Spending Money?
You need to stop spending more than you make to become truly financially stable.
This is what the podcast is all about. How to stop overspending for good. It’s no different from any other habit, like overeating, or drinking too much.
And when I was a person who would chronically overspend, I tried so many things. Good ideas to control my spending but only one change made a difference and what a big difference it made too.
It changed our whole lives.
You need to be more mindful of your spending and not just aimlessly put items into your cart when you shop.
You need to keep “wants” in the wants category and not move them into the “needs” category.
You need to change how you pay for things. It makes a difference. (This is the one change you need to make to get you on the right track.)
A resource that can help…
Printable Cash Envelope System (learn how to set the system up and how to get your own printable envelopes for free)
I know this is the one change we made in our lives that made all the difference in the world. And I believe it can help you too. If you give it a chance and make the change.
More Money Helps..
How to set up a reasonable budget you can stick to
How to change your thinking and reach your money goals
<a href="https://frugalfamilyhome.
Feb 12, 2020
20 min

Figuring out what’s for dinner can be hard. You want to feed your family good food, but you’re tired and worn out at the end of the day. But with thee 7 easy way to get dinner done, you can make a great meal for your family.
Even if you are frazzled, worn out, tired or …
Making dinner each night can be difficult. There the thinking of what to make for dinner every night.
I saw this quote on Facebook this week…
And thought why is getting dinner done so hard?
Is it thinking about what to eat? Or making the food? Or does a long day get the best of us and we just don’t feel like cooking?
Or is it a combination of these things and more?
As I pondered this more, I thought this would be a great subject for a podcast. And so here it is.
In this episode of the Frugal Family Home podcast, I’m sharing easy tips to get dinner done. These tips can help you make dinner each night.
Even if…
You’ve had a long day and are so tired but your family is so hungry too.
Cooking dinner is a struggle for you.
You have a hard time thinking of things to make for dinner.
Listen to the podcast and read the show notes too.
Are you subscribed to our podcast? If not, find it on your favorite podcast app or use the links above.
7 Tips for Getting Dinner Done Every Night
If getting dinner prepared every night is a struggle for you, these tips below can help. Whether you are a frazzle stay at home mom that never has a free minute, not even in the bathroom.
Or a mom who works outside the home and gets home and needs to make dinner but is so exhausted it’s hard to cook.
Or a work at home mom that has a mix of both worlds colliding into one another all day long.
These tips can help you get organized and get dinner done. Even if you are frazzled, busy, tired, or …
1. Let’s tackle what’s for dinner?
If you don’t know what you are cooking, you can’t make dinner. And not having a plan is bad for getting dinner done each night.
Now I’m not saying you have to have everything planned out. I’m saying you need to know what you’ll be eating each night.
You might find planning for a week or a couple of days works best for your family. But you need to have some kind of plan.
It doesn’t have to be elaborate either. Oh, no it can be a few dinner ideas scribbled on the back of an envelope of the junk mail you can’t seem to stop coming to your house.
But you might say, coming up with ideas for dinner is the hardest part.
I understand. I have times when I have dinner block too. I try to think of something to add to our meal plan but can’t think of anything.
The harder you try to think the worse it gets.
Here are a few tips to help you always have ideas for dinner at your fingertips.
Plan Your Dinner with Themed Days
Monday, meatless meals
Tuesday, taco night
Wednesday, breakfast night
Thursday, soup and salad night
Friday, Pizza night
Saturday, leftovers
Nov 13, 2019
14 min

You’d like to eat better. You really would but making changes is hard. It takes a lot of effort, or does it? You can use these easy steps to learn how to eat better with the time and money you have.
Your not a health fanatic, you just know you could eat better. Less processed foods and more real foods. Not only for yourself but for your family.
But between your already packed schedule, the kids complaining about anything new that looks different, and the fact you have a limited budget for food, it’s easier to stay the course and not make a change.
Because you don’t want to buy a bunch of new food to find out your family won’t eat it, you don’t have time to prepare it, and you end up wasting money, you don’t really have to spare.
But it doesn’t have to be like that. You can make changes, eat better, and have your family enjoy it too. All without dramatically changing your food budget or spending all day in the kitchen. These 4 steps can help you do all of that.
Better Eating Tips in This Podcast
In this episode of the Frugal Family Home Podcast, I’m sharing 4 easy steps to eating better. Small changes you can make to start eliminating processed foods from your diet without dramatically increasing your food budget or the time to make meals.
If this sounds good to you have a listen to the podcast. You can also read the show notes below. It’s kinda like the cliff notes version.
4 Steps to Eating Better
Eating better can be challenging. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and eat the same things over and over. Even if you have a desire to make better food choice.
Things that are familiar often win out when we are short on time or don’t have a detailed plan to make a change.
But change can happen if you…
1. Make Small Changes and Build on Them
Make a plan for making small changes over time.
Plan for what changes will be the easiest to get you started on eating a little better. Don’t make big changes right away, it almost always leads to failure.
Instead, let’s set you up to succeed from the beginning. I want you to find one thing you can change with your eating or your whole family’s eating that is doable. Then practice it for a few weeks to a month. Get used to it when it seems just natural to you then add something else.
Making those small changes one on top of another makes it so much easier to make big changes just one little bite at a time.
2. Plan for Meals
When you are hungry isn’t the time to think about what you’ll make to eat. It’s probably the worst time if you are trying to make changes and eat better.
Because your hungry brain will only think about things, you already have established as habits and if you want to eat better, it’s better to have a plan.
With a plan you have more control. You can sit down and think it through when you’re not hungry. When you can put your goals into the planning process.
Pick your meals for that week. Be sure to include any new food you are switching out to eat less processed foods. Make your list and go shopping. It’s really that simple and easy.
But what if you have picky eaters or kids who don’t want change?
3. Make Substitutions for An Easier Transition
Sep 12, 2019
13 min

Traveling can be great or it can be a nightmare of unexpected expenses. But you can do your best to make your road trip the best it can be with a little of planning ahead of time. In this podcast I’m sharing tips for How to save money on a road trip.
Plus a few tips to help you get your car ready.
In this episode of the Frugal Family Home podcast, I’m sharing road trip tips to help you save money and avoid problems with your car while you are traveling.
If you take the time to plan ahead and do a few things before you leave it can help you enjoy your road trip and stay on budget too.
Save Money on Your Next Road Trip with these 9 Tips
1. Set a Budget
Sure it’s great to hit the open road without a care in the world, but doing so can put a dent in your budget.
It’s a given you’ll need to plan your route but what about planning for your expenses?
Be sure to take into account how much you’ll be spending. You’ll need to have your car checked out before you leave. You’ll need gas money, money for food, and lodging.
As you are planning your route look into the costs of each of these on your stops along the way. You might be able to stay in a smaller town and save money. Or find a great deal on gas just a few miles away from your destination.
2. Plan Your Route
Now that you know you need to budget for your trip, it’s time to plan your route. What destinations would you like to go to? Where will you stop at along the way?
Use Google Maps or MapQuest or even AAATripTik. To help you plan your route and make the most of where you’ll be traveling.
Be sure to have maps for where you’ll be traveling, AAA is a great place to get these, because you never know when your GPS might stop working.
3. Get Your Car Serviced Before Your Road Trip
Before you leave for your trip get your car service by a mechanic. Have them do a general checkout and check fluids and tires. If something need servicing get it done.
Be sure to have all repairs completed a few weeks to a month before your road trip. This can help to make sure the repair is good and there isn’t something more that needs to be done.
Be sure to check your tire pressure, lights, and fluid in your car the day before leaving.
If you don’t know how to do this, take it to your mechanic, check your owner’s manual of your car, or check YouTube for a tutorial to learn how.
Taking a little time to service your car before you leave on your road trip can save you lots of money on car repairs on the road.
4. Save On Gas
Find the cheapest fuel prices along your route. Use GasBuddy or the GasBuddy App to find the best prices to where you’ll be traveling.
GasBuddy has a trip cost calculator to estimate how much it will cost for gas from one place to the next. And they also have a gas price map so you can see the average price of fuel across the United States. Making it easier to plan your gas budget.
AAATripTik is also great for finding construction along your route and finding the best gas prices and estimated gas costs too.
And checking these items on your car can help you save on gas too.
Properly inflate your tires. If your tires are low, it can decrease your gas mileage.
Don’t over pack, if your car is loaded down with more things than you need it will decrease your gas mileage.
Keep a consistent speed, when you can. Use your cruise control to keep your speed consistent can save you money when you are on the highway or freeway.
Drive the speed limit. Speeding up and slowing down with traffic might make you feel like you are getting there faster.
Jul 9, 2019
13 min
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