We interviewed Friedrich, a Bachelor Student of Organic Agriculture from the University of Kassel in Germany.
He explains why he decided to pursue that career, what's his life now, and what he likes the most about growing his own food.
Instagram “The fridge diaries” @Pamela_Alcocer_Thepodcast
Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay
Jun 24, 2021
10 min

· How do you know something makes you so happy if you haven't tried it?
We talked about a way of growing food in connection not only with the Earth, but with the Universe.
Instagram “The fridge diaries” @Pamela_Alcocer_Thepodcast
(Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay)
May 28, 2021
22 min

· What was going on in the grand Xochimilco much before it became touristic?
· How is it that its agriculture system is considered extra efficient and sustainable?
· What to learn from conquerors to NOT REPEAT IT EVER AGAIN?
We talk about it and other interesting topics in this episode “Xochimilco, Xochimilcas and the floating gardens” of the podcast “The fridge diaries”.
Instagram “The fridge diaries” @Pamela_Alcocer_Thepodcast
González Carmona, Emma, & Torres Valladares, Cynthia Itzel (2014). LA SUSTENTABILIDAD AGRÍCOLA DE LAS CHINAMPAS EN EL VALLE DE MÉXICO: CASO XOCHIMILCO. Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios, 34( ),699-709.[fecha de Consulta 30 de Abril de 2021]. ISSN: 1405-9282. Disponible en: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=14131514005
Infobae (2021): De trajinera a microbús navegante: la forma en que activistas protestan contra la construcción de un puente vehicular en Xochimilco. Available online at https://www.infobae.com/america/mexico/2021/02/10/de-trajinera-a-microbus-navegante-la-forma-en-que-activistas-protestan-contra-la-construccion-de-un-puente-vehicular-en-xochimilco/, updated on 2/10/2021, checked on 4/30/2021.
Humboldt, Alexander von (1827): Ensayo político sobre la Nueva España. Tomo segundo / por el Baron A. de Humboldt. traducida al castellano por Vicente González Arnao (formato PDF). Segunda edición corregida y aumentada, adornada con mapas. Paris, en casa de Jules Renouard: Alicante : Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2020. Available online at http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/nd/ark:/59851/bmc1048925, checked on 4/30/2021.
Medrano Enríquez, Angélica María (2001): La actividad ocupacional en la región chinampera de Xochimilco. In Estudios de Antropología Biológica X (1), pp. 571–594. Available online at http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/eab/issue/view/3479, checked on 4/30/2021.
Ortiz-Hernan Pupareli, Eugenia (2006): Una mirada al pasado : evolucion de las chinampas en la cuenca de Mexico desde su creacion hasta la Colonia. Licenciatura en Geografía. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciencias Sociales. Available online at, checked on 4/30/2021.
Quiñónez, Columba (2005). Chinampas y Chinamperos: Los horticultores de San Juan Tezompa. Universidad Iberoamericana, México, D. F., tesis doctoral.
Serra Puche, Mari Carmen, & Lazcano Arce, J. Carlos. (2009). Arqueología en el sur de la cuenca de México. Diagnóstico y futuro: In memoriam W. T. Sanders. Cuicuilco, 16(47), 19-38. Recuperado en 30 de abril de 2021, de http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0185-16592009000300002&lng=es&tlng=es.
(Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay)
Apr 30, 2021
15 min

· Why do your beans (and other legumes) contain protein?
· What is the connection between bacteria, earthworms and legumes?
· We talk about it, and other cool interactions, in this episode of the podcast “The fridge diaries”.
Instagram “The fridge diaries” @Pamela_Alcocer_Thepodcast
(Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay)
Wang, Qi; Liu, Jinge; Zhu, Hongyan (2018): Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Symbiotic Specificity in Legume-Rhizobium Interactions. In Frontiers in plant science 9, p. 313. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00313.
Bouma, Johan (2019): Soil Security in Sustainable Development. In Soil Syst. 3 (1), p. 5.
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FA0, 2015 http://www.fao.org/soils-2015/news/news-detail/en/c/277682/#:~:text=Indeed%2C%20soil%20quality%20is%20directly,from%20drastic%20fluctuations%20in%20temperature.
Gladek, Eva; Fraser, Matthew; Roemers, Gerard; Sabag Muñoz, Oscar; Kennedy, Erin;
Hirsch, Peter (2016): The Global Food System: An Analysis. WWF Netherlands.
Keesstra, Saskia; Mol, Gerben; Leeuw, Jan de; Okx, Joop; Molenaar, Co; Cleen, Margot de;
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Wagner, S. C.. (2011) Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):15/ https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/biological-nitrogen-fixation-23570419/
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Apr 16, 2021
13 min

We have the power to care about them, and they will care about us.
· How is it that we host them and become their home?
· How is it that they care about us since we are born? and, more importantly,
· What can we do to care about them and simultaneously about us, and to keep that equilibrium in place?
We talk about it in this episode of the podcast “The fridge diaries”.
Instagram “The fridge diaries” @Pamela_Alcocer_Thepodcast
(Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay)
Adams, M. R.; Moss, M. O. (Eds.) (2007): Non-bacterial agents of foodborne illness. In M. R. Adams, M. O. Moss (Eds.): Food Microbiology. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 272–310.
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Moreno I, Simon C. Relevance of assessing the uterine microbiota in infertility. Fertil Steril. 2018 Aug;110(3):337-343. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.04.041 . PMID: 30098680 .
Pallister, Tess; Spector, Tim D. (2016): Food: a new form of personalised (gut microbiome) medicine for chronic diseases? In Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 109 (9), pp. 331–336. DOI: 10.1177/0141076816658786.
Perez-Muñoz, Maria Elisa; Arrieta, Marie-Claire; Ramer-Tait, Amanda E.; Walter, Jens (2017): A critical assessment of the "sterile womb" and "in utero colonization" hypotheses: implications for research on the pioneer infant microbiome. In Microbiome 5 (1), p. 48. DOI: 10.1186/s40168-017-0268-4.
Reid, Ann; Greene, Shannon (2013): HUMAN MICROBIOME FAQ. Edited by American Academy of Microbiology. Washington, DC. Available online at www.asm.org.
Roossinck, Marilyn J. (2020): Virus. 101 incredible microbes from Coronovirus to Zika Dr Marilyn J Roossinck ; foreword by Carl Zimmer. Revised edition. Brighton: Ivy Press.
Mar 26, 2021
12 min

Perhaps without even noticing, we already know and apply the circular economy. We talk about the basics of this model to take more advantage of what we already have.
Instagram “The fridge diaries” @panpam_foods
(Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay)
Mar 13, 2021
14 min

The fridge dairies podcast seeks to reconnect us with our food for a more harmonious world.
I tell you about 3 crucial moments as a food professional that changed my perspective, and I want to share them with you to give you the reconnection I experienced.
Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay
Mar 8, 2021
9 min