The Family First Podcast
The Family First Podcast
Mark Merrill
#111: 6 Things That Keep Couples Connected (Podcast)
18 minutes Posted Jun 13, 2016 at 9:15 pm.
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Every husband and wife want to feel connected with one another…but sometimes busyness, the daily grind, stress and strain can get in the way and cause a feeling of NOT being connected…and when that happens, “marriage drift” sometimes occurs and you drift farther and farther apart without even knowing it.

The key to staying connected is to be intentional. 6 things you can be intentional about…

If your marriage is good, these six things can help you grow closer. If your marriage is so-so or even worse, they could help you give it a push in the right direction towards bonding time with your spouse. It’s important to stay connected as a couple and Susan and have learned these 6 things in our 27 years of marriage…