The Family First Podcast
The Family First Podcast
Mark Merrill
via Podcasts
Where did you go?
My husband and I really enjoy your podcast. We found you last year and binged the episodes. It was during a very trying time in our lives and we found comfort in your words. Certainly hope you start posting again soon.
Like finding water in the desert
Not mere theory, but provides practical applications to being a better man, husband, father, and person of faith. This empowers manhood and perineal strength of “manliness,” creating potential for remarkable legacy. Discovered this podcast after reading Merrill’s book “All Pro Dad” which I received as a free gift from a recent All Pro Dad event with Jacksonville Jaguars. Thanks Mark and Susan.
Excellent Resource!!!
Mark and Susan are fantastic, I love that they are candid and real and I feel as though they completely understand the various challenges that couples experience in a relationship as well as how parenting adds to the mix. Thank you so much!!!
Game-Changer for Families
I love it when I get a notification that there is a new Family First podcast. It’s one of the first ones I listen to, because I know Mark is going to bring us wisdom to help our marriages and families. This one is a favorite!
The Hill Hangout
I love the content but sometimes hard to listen to due to his choppy & unnatural speaking! Sometimes I can't get over it. Maybe it's only the older episodes? Anyways, still worth it! His wife sounds awesome :)
Kehly Werkema
Staying Focused
I've followed All Pro Dads on Facebook and read the book. The podcast is great to listen to in the car or while exercising to keep me focused on how to be a better husband and father and including God. I appreciate Mark and Susan for sharing.
So Encouraging!
WOW! Such a great podcast. I feel so encouraged. I need all of the advice I can get in this department :)
Thanks for Sharing...
Lord knows a lot of us are really trying to do the best we can out here. This is a podcast that goes a long way in helping us along on our journey. The thing I love the most about this podcast is how Mark and Susan (when she's on) share their experiences, letting us all know that EVERYBODY struggles. Thank you for your transparency and for sharing this podcast with us! God bless!!
jeffrey shears phd
Great and practical information on family matters that fathers need to hear. I am tuned in Mark.
A must for all dads!
There is great content here if you are a father who is passionate about loving your family well. Mark Merrill brings useful tips on parenting and marriage in an easy to digest package that’s as informative as it is entertaining.
Mark on Podcasts - Good idea
I'm glad Mark has broadened his footprint to a podcast forum. I'm sure he's even better unscripted. The Dungies sure didn't have to write another book. The fact they did, and focused on their marriage, gives weight to what they have to say.
Pretty goodish amazinggggg
Mark's wifey
You are five stars to me! Love your podcast and your blog and your family ;)
Susan Merrill
Huge thanks, Mark. Have always been a fan of Coach Dungy ... great model husband, father, and Christian ... Please keep 'em coming!
FFis the real deal!
I've met Mark in person and this guy could be CEO of any corporation in the country; but he's putting all his energy into helping us have stronger families. So glad to see the new podcast. ~ Jack in Franklin TN
jack boone
Exciting new podcast
Great first segment! Can't wait to hear the second part of the interview with Tony Dungy! Looking forward to seeing what other great things will be shared on this podcast.
Tools for life
Great content in a convenient venue. Can listen from anywhere. No excuse not to get these tools to become a better father, husband and person. Great job, Mark.
Thank you
Thank you to the Family First team including Mark, Tony, their families, and the entire staff for standing on the front lines for marriages and families everywhere. Your leadership and passion for helping everyone experience the "best" that God has to offer through loving our families is contagious.
Jason Clement
Yes! More please...
I've read much of Mark's material and listened on the radio as well. So I'm really looking forward to seeing this podcast go viral. Men today need to hear what Mark Merrill and the awesome guys he's surrounded himself with at Family First have to say!
Brian Gass
Hurry with the next one!!
I am so thankful for Family First and Mark Merrill! They, along with Coach and Mrs. Dungy, are such a great resource in helping us fight this good fight. Thank you all for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us in the trenches. We can all celebrate an Uncommon Marriage! Congratulations on your new Podcast Mark! Looking forward to more!
Insightful bits of knowledge
The first episode of the podcast was great! As an engaged young man, it's so encouraging to hear stories from men who have been walking through marriage for a number of years. To hear that it's not always easy, and there will be disagreements, but at the end of the day the union is to glorify God. Very encouraging to hear these men discuss marriage!
You've probably heard Mark's Family Minute feature on the radio, and this is an awesome addition to those short clips. I highly recommend!
Paradise Jon
Great Podcast on the Family!
Listen to this podcast if you're looking for advice on how to parent or improve your marriage. Always a big fan of Tony Dungy!
Barbara Hyatt
A wonderful podcast with great advice
I look forward to hearing more from you and your guests in future episodes.
Angel Bishop
Way to go Mark!
I thought this was a great way to kickoff Mark’s new podcast. Way to go, Mark! Looking forward to more.
Wow! This podcast encouraged me to look at marriage in a whole new light. I learned some new perspectives on how to view marriage and parenting that I am excited to share with others who may seem to be having a hard time with marriage and parenting! I am excited to see how this podcast can restore relationships and give parents advice! Thanks Mark Merrill!
Great content!
This is great content, Mark! I can't wait for episode 2 of the new podcast.
Great Advice!
Great marriage advice!
Jon Juris
Time Well Spent
Thanks Mark for helping me become a better father and husband! Your All Pro Dad and Family First programs are an excellent resource to help men be better men. There are numerous resources available to me to help me grow my career and professional life, but few to help me get better at the most important jobs I have.....husband and father.
Tony and Lauren have hit the mark with this topic.
Highly Recommended!!!
I'm really excited that Family First and Mark Merrill have joined the world of podcasting! Everything they put out with Family First, All Pro Dad, and iMOM is beneficial to families of all types. The first episode, with Tony Dungy was great! I can't wait for part 2, and more episodes soon!
Great New Podcast!
Awesome podcast Mark! Definitely recommend subscribing to anyone who loves great marriage, parenting & relationship advice!
If you're married or a parent SUBSCRIBE
What a great podcast! I've listened to Mark's Family Minute radio program for years and I like him being able to go deeper on topics in this podcast.
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