The Family First Podcast
The Family First Podcast
Mark Merrill
#110: 5 Bad Behaviors Your Kids Must Conquer (Podcast)
21 minutes Posted Jun 6, 2016 at 9:15 pm.
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As parents, we always wonder if we’re doing this thing, called parenting, right…doing everything we should. And what do you do when your child starts exhibiting some bad habits and behaviors at a very young age? Lying, cheating, showing disrespect…

Dealing with those bad habits can take thought and energy that can wear parents out. However, if left unchecked, they can grow into major problems down the line. It is important to engage the problem now in order to save them and us from more intense pain in the future. Here are some bad kid behavior issues that you need to break early.

It’s important to break bad behaviors early so Susan and I will be discussing 5 bad behaviors your kids must conquer on today’s show: