The Exceptional Advice Show Podcast

The Exceptional Advice Show

The Social Adviser
The Social Adviser has gained a second-to-none reputation as teachers of practical business techniques and solutions in the field of digital and social media that are proven to assist business professionals in achieving sustainable success and business growth in a fun and efficient way. All of our content is delivered with understanding of how to make change happen within the confines of Business As Usual. We understand the roadblocks, thought process and desires of business professionals and our purpose is to empower you to deliver and receive far more value with less of your precious time.
Key Element of Client Engagement: Engagement Language - The Exceptional Advice Show - Baz GArdner & Tristin Aylward
#Client #Engagment #Language Your Engagement Language may be the most critical input affecting your success when it comes to client engagement, referrals, profitability, and overall ease of your client relationships.  Baz Gardner and Tristin Aylward of The Social Adviser discuss in this episode of The Exceptional Advice Show. The simple truth is: your own psychology determines how you communicate, and if you wish to become an Exceptional Adviser then it requires you to master yourself, your intent, and how you perceive your own value. Explore this concept with us in this episode and share your own experiences in the comments.
Jan 27, 2022
34 min
KEY SECRET to Client Engagement: Contextual Sequence - The Exceptional Advice Show - Baz and Tristin
If you truly want to be an Exceptional Adviser then you must learn the secrets of client psychology so you understand how to walk your prospective clients through the right sequence of context in order to have them truly connect to your greatest value.  This may perhaps be the greatest breakthrough for great advisers who are wanting to take a monumental leap forward in their client engagement skills.    In this episode, we discuss what exactly Contextual Sequence is and how we use it to create far more empowering client engagements that are more valuable and profitable for both the client and the adviser.    As always would love to know your thoughts and would we would appreciate your comments.    Baz Gardner Founder - The Social Adviser
Dec 2, 2021
54 min
Why PRICE PRESSURE is a key element of #ClientEngagement - Baz Gardner & Tristin Aylward
One of the key elements of exceptional #ClientEngagement is the degree to which you strike the right balance of perceptions around your price.  In this episode, we dig into the nuanced depths of our research into client engagement as it relates to this balance.   Most Advisers are seeking to create an engagement with clients that involves very little tension around the pricing discussion, yet this is almost always the wrong approach and leads to lower margins, lower service levels, lower perceived value, lower referrals, etc etc etc.   On the journey to #ExceptionalAdvice learning to own your value in the client engagement process is a critical element to not just having a truly profitable business, but also creating the most impact for clients.   For the intro video to the series, please make sure you watch this: Baz Gardner Founder - The Social Adviser
Nov 25, 2021
36 min
Client Engagment MASTERY The 4 Keys! - Part 1 Intro Baz Gardner & Tristin Aylward The Social Adviser
There are four key elements that are critical to mastering Client Engagement.  In this episode, we introduce these four components, that will help you take on more of the right clients, have them happily pay you more, have them stay with you, and refer you to everyone they know.   The four components are:  Price Pressure  Contextual Sequencing  Relationship Status  Engagement Language   This video will be the first of 5 as we delve into greater detail on each of the 4 key elements in the following videos.   These are the metrics we have used to transform so many Advisory Businesses, helping them to create extreme changes in profitability and productivity.   Baz Gardner Founder - The Social Adviser
Oct 21, 2021
51 min
Getting Paid Before You Start Work - The Exceptional Advice Show - Baz Gardner and Tristin Aylward
#Accountant #FinancialPlanning #Fees Getting Paid Before You Start Work - The Exceptional Advice Show - Baz Gardner and Tristin Aylward   So many professionals start doing work for clients before 1) Everything is settled and agreed to, and 2) Before getting paid.   This leaves so much room for conflict, cognitive dissonance, lack of transparency, and a negative impact on your cash flow.    In this episode, we talk about both the need and how easy it is to firmly set expectations with your clients and why you should never start work before getting paid.    Baz Gardner Founder - The Social Adviser
Sep 23, 2021
32 min
Ultimate Tool For Advice Firm Profitability - PRICE DISCOVERY - The Exceptional Advice Show
#Profitability #Price #Discovery True PRICE DISCOVERY is perhaps the ultimate tool for maximizing Advice firm profitability. Yet not one firm we have encountered has actually been through the process of finding true price discovery.    How do you actually know what your clients value or what they are willing to pay for it? How do you know the optimal price to profit level of your business if you do know actually know the answer to these questions?   The truth is you can't, and nor will your business, be anywhere near its optimal profit/efficiency level if you have not undertaken ongoing price discovery.  How can you be in a position to advise others on their own true financial inputs if you do not understand your own?  In this episode, we dig into the process of price discovery and why it is critical to creating an exceptional advice firm.    Please make sure to share your thoughts or challenge our thinking in the comments!   Baz Gardner  Founder - The Social Adviser
Aug 26, 2021
59 min
The Real Financial Inputs Of Advice - The Exceptional Advice Show - Baz Gardner & Tristin Aylward
What are the real financial inputs of advice?    In this episode of The Exceptional Advice Show we discuss how most advisers are actually dealing with outputs, rather than true inputs and, therefore, missing the greatest advice leverage with their clients.   In our experience, there are no such things as 'money problems' or 'business problems' instead, the real issues are a lack of internal clarity and an exceptional adviser's role is to help resolve that lack of clarity.   Clients will have far more transformative results if you are actually getting to the right inputs, and will be far more willing to both pay, and refer you, when you focus on the deeper inputs.   Love to know your thoughts, so please make sure to drop a comment below.   Baz Gardner Founder - The Social Adviser
Aug 19, 2021
57 min
Conscious & Subconscious Communication - The Exceptional Advice Show - with Baz & Tristin
In our experience, in order to become an exceptional Adviser, you must learn to use your intuition ahead of logic with clients in order to help them align their conscious & subconscious.   Clients will always communicate to you both consciously & subconsciously, and if you want to become an exceptional Adviser you need to learn to listen to both sides of what they are telling you.    Helping to align your client's perspectives is one of the most transformational mechanisms of action you can use with your clients.   This is the kind of Advice that transforms behavior and creates far more dramatic financial and business outcomes than sticking to dealing with the surface level issues.    This is specifically how we see the best Advisors creating the most profitable and effective business models that generate outstanding word of mouth.   Baz Gardner  Founder - The Social Adviser
Aug 4, 2021
53 min
Crypto & Financial Advice? - The Exceptional Advice Show - with Baz & Tristin
Do Financial Advisers & Accountants need to know more about #Crypto and be prepared to have conversations with their clients that go beyond ‘there is no value’ or it’s all just hype with no real value?   We think so and in this episode we talk about the concepts Advisers need to grasp so that they can better educate themselves and their clients about what is most certainly revolutionary technology that is here to stay.    If you are ignoring this and simply telling your clients to ‘stay clear’ then we think you are doing yourself, your clients and your future reputation a disservice. Yes there is risk but there will be more risk for you and your clients if you are under informed about what is actually taking place.    Would love to know what you think and whether you have looked deeper into this developing ecosystem. This is just an introductory conversation for a very complex area, would you like us to go deeper?
Jul 28, 2021
1 hr 1 min
Exceptional Advice & Being A Lawyer - The Exceptional Advice Show Ep. 5 - Kieran Hoare & Baz Gardner
Exceptional Advice & Being A Lawyer - The Exceptional Advice Show - Kieran Hoare & Baz Gardner   Kieran Hoare joins me for this episode and we talk about what he has learnt about running a firm, team culture and client engagement as a lawyer.   Kieran is our first external guest on The Exceptional Advice Show and it is our goal to go deeper with real-world Advisers so that we can learn from each other on our journeys towards becoming Exceptional Advisers.  Kieran, his business partner, and their team have built one of the best firms I have encountered and there are some golden insights, especially about work/life balance, during our chat.   Thanks for watching this episode of The Exceptional Advice Show! Hopefully, you gained something valuable out of this episode, if you’re interested to find out more or want to get in touch click the links below and take a look at some of our other content.   Baz Gardner Founder - The Social Adviser   The Social Adviser Website    Baz Gardner Website   LinkedIn   Baz Gardner About Me    The Social Adviser - LinkedIn    Baz Gardner Twitter   Baz Gardner Instagram   Breaker   Google Podcast   Apple Podcast   Pocket Cast   Radio Public   Spotify
Jul 8, 2021
1 hr 13 min
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