The Chris Cuomo Project
The Chris Cuomo Project
Chris Cuomo
via Podcasts
Everyday, hard working people
Hey Mr Cuomo Love your show. What I’d love to see Is more “everyday Americans” on your show sharing their insight as to what’s going on in the country today. I appreciate your well known speakers. However, they all have their opinions. The reality is, they don’t know anymore than us. It’s still their opinions. Many of your guests are far removed from the reality of everyday Americans Give us a chance to share our thoughts and Opinions. You may be surprised. Thanks. Tony Cordileone
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TC Everyday American
You’re a dishonest shill for big pharma.
Riddled with scientific inaccuracies
It sounds pretty credible when you listen but if you are a scientist/ doctor you know there’s a lot of incorrect information in these episodes about covid. Honestly many statements can be easily fact checked as false…. I’m excited he’s bringing attention to long covid but not at the expense of perpetuating misinformation.
Never got my pony
I don’t know…giving him a second chance?
I agree with your stance- we need to talk to people we disagree with. I value what you are doing now. Still, I believe you are doing it because you are desperate. If you didn’t get fired you wouldn’t be talking this way, you wouldn’t be searching for answers…and that makes you a hypocrite. It doesn’t feel honest, it just feels needy…
I was so looking forward to your show but it’s clear you’re just as out of touch as the rest of them.
Love the pod…
Wish I could have asked one question while you were discussing how little Biden has done with the border… how bout when Republicans vote 100% against every border bill put to the senate?
Fredo - even dumber and more dis-honest than we thought
Good lord, Fredo, how did you manage to book an America-hating jerk like Penn ? Oh, that's right, he sees a kindred spirit in you. Go away you egotistical, phony, predatory, charlatan. And take your even more useless brother with you.
Medhi Hasan is rabid.
You emphasize the ridiculousness of the 2 party system, and it being a zero sum game, but Hasan is the epitome of ‘beat the Republicans’. I had never listened to him before. His only interest is cramming his viewpoint down my throat. He’s a great example of making the other party repulsive. This podcast puts me right back where I was before.
pinging pigeon
So glad to hear your voice!
I have missed you and am so thankful you are doing a podcast. I really appreciate your platform of critical, independent thinking. Keep up the great work!
Useful idiot
And a pharma shill who uses horse paste!!
Tucker and comments on not being critical of Trump
I thought you and Tucker would make a good combo to layout the perspectives in any given issue, without attacking one another. Since that episode I have listened to your thinking and love how you have become more independent and say what you see without concern of backlash from echo chambers.
The Israeli war
First I want to thank you for bringing me back to the news, the real news. I just watched your News Nation episode with the three gentlemen debating the Israeli war and not in sync. I also saw your introduction prior to the 3 gentlemen’s debate. It is unfortunate that people who have never really seen war do not understand it, or the history of it. There is one saying that I believe covers all wars, “In war, truth is the first casualty” by Aeschylus.
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3rd Gen Viking
Loving "Let's Get After It"
I've been a fan since you were on ABC. Loved the show on CNN and the relationships formed with other anchors especially the Handoff with Don Lemon. I hope you guys are still friends! I think your podcast is great! I'm 65 years old and you have made me think again. I'm excited to learn more about topics you talk about and just learning new things in general. Your most recent episode comparing OJ and Trump was spot on and your delivery, saying what some people are thinking, is also very interesting! I pretty much was thinking exactly the same things as you, but a lot of my friends think the way your delivery of public comments would be! I also want to add your work on NewsNation is very good. I tape it everyday and sometimes rewatch episodes to real think about what was discussed! Keep up the good work!
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Monkeyface 1980
Not Recommended
Old CNN Cuomo reappears in his episode “What if Donald Trump becomes president”. I listened to the episode and it clearly shows his dislike about President Trump. Why….? I don’t know. (Oh your just a Donald Trump supporter)! No, I am not. Chris Cuomo is an intelligent man. (Then why the bad review)? It’s my opinion regarding the episode I mentioned.
Boris Nikolai
Didn’t like Chris on CNN. But I’m starting to come around to his new show. It great to see people from different party’s sit down for a long conversation. Weather or not they agree you get a better feel for the person. Long conversation are the way to go. We as a people have more that we have in common than we don’t. Loving the content on this show so far Changed my mind! After listening to the show Chris is the same CNN guy. He has the right to his opinion… but I disagree and I’ll get my news elsewhere
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Mehdi episode
My husband and I watch News Nation and you are our favorite segment. We appreciate the fact based reporting and dialogue with your guests, especially Bill O’Reilly. I just started listening to your podcast. I am conservative but definitely not a “Trumper”. I was disappointed in your lack of boundaries(in my opinion) with Medhi Hasan. He clearly spoke from deep within his own very liberal point of view. He is very intelligent and articulate but I felt he kind of trampled you. He said he immigrated from the UK in 2017 (when Trump was president) and became a citizen I believe in 2022. Kudos for him to do the process legally. However, if he is so disenchanted with our country based on how he clearly views our government then go home to the UK! We don’t need haters of our country living here and spewing his negativity. It only encourages division, and we don’t need help there! He states that the Republican party is a cult and how can they possibly endorse Trump for president. Can’t the same be said for the Democrats and Biden? He also shouldn’t be running again simply because he is the incumbent or that he can BEAT Trump. What happened to voting for the best candidate to lead our country successfully? Ugh. I know I don’t have to agree but Medhi is quite intellectually full of himself, of course my opinion. Listening to him put me in a very defensive mood.
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I loved you. And then you quoted Tribe Called Quest… and my heart grew 10 sizes.
Let’s Get After It (Continued)
Thanks for all your self examinations… love to hear you make it real. God bless.
Republican Thumb Up for Cuomo
I’m currently a registered Republican, once Independent, after being a liberal in 80s college. I am grateful to hear intelligent, thoughtful debate over baseless insult slinging and name calling. Love to hear Cuomo and OReilly (akin to the old Hannity and Colmes show) where the listener could contemplate, fairly, all sides of the debate. I totally agree with Cuomos belief in MORE voices…. if only more Americans would get back to traditional liberal thinking. God Bless us All! Thanks Cuomo…
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Missed You!
I am so glad I can listen to you again. I pretty much quit CNN after you left! You were a great help during Covid. Karen Tulsa, OK
Lucy Albatross
Good podcast
Don’t bother with the tie. And I am a conservative that likes you.😀 Shirley King Nashville
Excited to hear you again! Let more forward!!!
Moving on!! Time for you to get back to your truth! I am happy to hear you again! It’s great to be able to listen and hear some actual truth! Thank you
Long time listener and follower and was psyched when you found another platform.Looking forward a lot more episodes
Dr Amal
After listening to your last podcast about Palestine I’m very disappointed as you are either uneducated or just using the usual propaganda brain wash … sad
amal rubai
American Living in Peru
Thank you!
I’m so grateful to have found your podcast! I have truly missed you since CNN and I don’t have access to your show on NewsNation. Watching you during the pandemic helped me remain calm and your breathing techniques helped me when I was sick with COVID. I was working for Social Security at the time and have since left after 15 years. Now I’m happily self-employed and at 45 on my local volunteer fire department as a PROUD female firefighter and EMR in Enos, OK. I described myself just to let you know how much you matter and how far your voice carries. God Bless
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Rosie ODonnell
Enjoyed this interview. I understand the frustration in her voice, a lot of us have the same feelings with what’s not being talked about. I didn’t agree with everything, and I appreciated when she admitted to Chris that she hadn’t kept up with his reporting.
She’s delusional.
Meat Margie
Rosie O. only sees things through one view. Listen to the hate in her voice. She’s not rational!
Such a moron
This guy is a joke. Since podcasts cost next to nothing, it’s not surprising he has one, but no one should waste their time listening to him go on his tirades.
He never had Covid
Mr. Cuomo, I truly love listening to your “walk and talk” segments of the podcast. During the week, I’ll leave work, go to the gym, then ride my bicycle at our local park. And listening to those segments have given me newer insights and perspectives on different aspects of my life that I have ignored. And those aspects are too many to count. The segments and listening to you have helped me beyond what I imagined it would. If I could ever meet you, I’d slap your hand, give you a hug, and tell you” thank you”. Your pain, struggle and flaws have allowed you to help me with mine. Thank you! Clovis lovelace
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I really enjoy your podcasts. I learn a lot, and it seems to be very objective. The one thing that I disagree with you is to dumb down your vocabulary. I’ve learned several words from you and I like the vocabulary lesson. Keep up the good work and take care. Duana Mcculloch Michigan
Make your bed episode
Make your bed hit hard. I’ll listen to it over and over.
I NEVER miss a podcast or NewsNation! I love everything!!! You are my favorite! I make lists all the time and I ALWAYS make my bed, I read that book twice! Keep up the great work!!
Chris’s Podcasts
I look forward to these 2-podcasts every week. I also enjoy the variety of guests, not necessarily political - often people that I normally wouldn’t listen to but I’ve learned something from each podcast. Regarding self-help, I think Chris does a great job in the advice that he gives as to evaluating our motives, our feelings, our habits. He often says ‘check yourself.’ For me, very often it’s thought-provoking. I look forward to his ‘walk and talks’ as much as I do the segments when he has guests on.
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Nailed it!!
You nailed it Chris, I’ve be in the US for over 30 years (from EU), the binary system in the US always amazed me, Pepsi/Coke, Mac/PC, McDonalds/BK, iPhone/Android, CVS/Walgreens….etc. It is indeed a GAME. But 3 political parties is not the solution, we need 8-10 of them to really represent the American people, then each party, if elected, would have to create a coalition and learn how to coexist. That’s democracy.
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Cuomo is Awesome
Appreciate Chris's non-partisan approach, with enough built up credibility on the left to challenge some of the group think.
News Nation
Sadly, I went to watch you on News Nation tonight, July 3, and received a message that DIRECTV was no longer carrying your channel due to price increases from Nexstar. I already pay $250 a month and don’t want to pay extra when it should be included in all of the other standard news programs. I hope they can get it back on in Chicago.
Edie Milo
Your dad would be proud of you for being a supportive brother. I’m sorry you had and still am trying to make sense of the CNN debacle. Keep pushing, it does get better by and by. The universe moves in a circling motion. Up, down, right and left (sideways). I was down now, I’m getting up slowly with a new perspective. I feel good about myself for the first time in my 57 years. Got sick lost everything, now on disability. Took me 6 years to settle into my “new normal.” Never, thought I would be able to look at myself in the mirror. To paraphrase Muhammad Ali, I’m never down, I’m always getting up. Be well
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I really appreciate these podcasts, and I actually prefer the audio version to the video. Sometimes I think wow I thought I was the only one thinking that way or struggling with those issues. Even when I disagree with your ideas and opinions (as I do on forgiveness) I practice listening to opposing views without judgment and it actually helps clarify my own views. I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. Carry on — the world needs your input.
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I appreciate you and the honesty you deliver!!!
Angela Silvana
I love the conversations!
I love your conversations on this show. I especially loved the conversation with Rainn Wilson.
Amy Mo.
Scared to question Jemele Hill
Very disappointed with you Chris. She grouped white people 3-5 times making statements about all of them and you know this is wrong and you did not challenge her once. Had this been anyone else making blanket statements about any other group of people by race, religion or sex you would have gotten tough with them as you should have but you gave her a pass. You talk of politicians playing one side like rooting for sports teams and that’s what you did in this interview from what I heard. If your goal is to pander to the Democratic Party then you accomplished your goal if your goal it to have independence like me listen then you better find a way to challenge your liberal guests like you do the ones on the right so we can decide on the truth as we see it. I do give you a little credit you were not cheerleading her or agreeing with her but you were silent after these comments. I will listen again because I admire your loyalty to your family and your toughness but I hope the toughness goes a little more both way.
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Kevin O'L
What a disappointment
I used to really respect Chris on CNN, but this attempt to “both sides” everything and every issue, for this apparent new grab for viewers in “the middle” is highly disappointing. This constant comparison of crazies who CONTROL the GOP to outliers on the left is just simply inaccurate, and is approaching FoxNews level propaganda levels. Not worth my time hearing this as we face an existential crisis of Donald Trump possibly returning to office.
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Logical. Open Minded, Honest Eloquent
Ironically, Chris Cuomo is what’s right about the media right now. He shares his experience in the media and interacting with politicians (like his father). His honest perspective is what is so so needed. He is sincerely trying to share facts as he understands them from both sidesband breaks it with such eloquence and open mindedness. Seems his goal is to inspire and remind us to question both sides of every issue. If you are skeptical and exasperated with the media , listen to the first episode and you may be able to relate too.
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Dawson 2
Enjoy the show
Mr cuomo needs to not speak 80% of the words while with his guests . But i do like the show.
Chris. You do do good work. I certainly don’t agree with all your thoughts, but I do amore than not. However, you’re honest and I afraid. Need more of you . Thanks!
Giving the truth
Hello, so glad you are better and stronger! GRACE helps you make sense over stupidity!
Laura Trotchie
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