The Chris Cuomo Project
The Chris Cuomo Project
Chris Cuomo
The Chris Cuomo Project
Chris Cuomo
The Chris Cuomo Project is the official podcast of award-winning veteran broadcast journalist Chris Cuomo. Chris’ independent voice provides listeners with an up-close view of politics, global affairs, and American culture from a vantage point uniquely shaped by decades of insider experience. Every Tuesday, Chris presents his signature take on today’s pressing current events — and explores how these stories are being covered by all sides of the media — through in-depth interviews with newsmakers, tastemakers, and other influential figures. On Thursdays, Chris shares insights into subjects that deeply matter to him personally, and answers YouTube comments and listener phone calls. Free from the constraints of a traditional media organization, The Chris Cuomo Project is home to independents, free agents, and those who don’t fit nicely on one side or the other. Let’s get after it.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
21 hours ago
July 2
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