Writing a Trauma Narrative is an important part of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is also something that is not a part of many modern trauma therapies. When did the Trauma Narrative become a thing, and why is it considered by some to be old-fashioned? What are the pros and cons of writing a narrative, or CBT for Trauma? Learn the answers to these questions on this month's Thursday Thistory, available to all, and get weekly dives into history by subscribing to the Broken Brain's Patreon feed, at www.patreon.com/brokenbrain
Jul 4, 2024
36 min

Medical Child Abuse is defined as a caregiver purposefully making falsified or exaggerated claims of symptoms in their child, resulting in harmful or inappropriate medical treatment. Often referred to as Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome, this abuse is underreported and extremely dangerous to the child. Andrea Dunlop is the host of the podcast "Nobody Should Believe Me," where she profiles cases of Medical Child Abuse and shares information about the effects of this terrible problem. She is also the co-founder of Munchausen Support (www.munchausensupport.com)a nonprofit organization providing education & support to those dealing with this complicated issue. She joins the program today to share the experiences and insights she has gained through this work. Please plan to view or Join The Broken Brain's third annual Live Stream for Opioid Overdose Awareness & Addiction, streaming on August 29th. Go to www.dwighthurst.com/live for more information about how you can view or join the event.
Jul 2, 2024
1 hr 8 min

Monday Mental Tip: Standing up for things we believe in is a form of self-care!
Jul 1, 2024
7 min

Albert Ellis was a pioneer in the field of therapy, genius, and frankly kind of a weirdo. His techniques live on in modern therapy, mostly in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, even though his philosophy was considered somewhat of an alternative approach to CBT when he developed them. He was also a blunt, direct, often abrasive man who struggled interpersonally throughout his life. This is the first 5 minutes of this week's dive into mental health available to Show patrons. Check out www.patreon.com/brokenbrain to join up and gain access to bonus materials. AND check out www.outnebraska.org, this month's charity of focus, to help support Queer individuals living in Nebraska.
Jun 27, 2024
5 min

Andy Hogan is an Author, Counselor, Advocate, and Musician specializing in Bipolar Disorder. He recently released a musical album related to his most recent book "Love For Mental Illness: How To REACH, Help, and Heal." As 2 guys with Bipolar Disorder, Andy and I had a good time talking about his approach and his music to break down this serious health condition. This month The Broken Brain is highlighting the charity www.OutNebraska.org, a Nebraska based charity that educates and advocates for Queer individuals in their state.
Jun 25, 2024
36 min

Monday is the day for a quick Mental Health Tip from The Broken Brain Podcast! Today's tip is related to conflict based communication, an idea for generating healthy questions to defuse the anger. Please remember the charity of focus for June: www.outnebraska.org, a nonprofit proving advocacy and community education to make life safer for LGBTQA+ citizens of Nebraska.
Jun 24, 2024
5 min

This is a 3 minute sample of this week's Patreon episode, a look into the history of naming Bipolar Disorder. In 1980 the name of Manic-Depressive Disorder was officially changed to Bipolar Disorder. Why did they do that? Was it good, bad, or just something that happened? This week's Thistory History dive is a look into the practice of changing diagnostic names, and the clinical social reasons behind that.
Jun 21, 2024
3 min

Greg Wooley is a poet, sobriety advocate, and the cofounder of Florida Recovery Schools of Central Florida. The Recovery High School model creates an educational environment focused on support for teens with addiction problems. Greg and I were able to discuss Harm Reduction, fundraising, nonprofit management, and the damaging stigma still associated with addiction. The Broken Brain is promoting OutNebraska this month, a nonprofit focused on supporting LGBTQA individuals in Nebraska. Check them out at www.outnebraska.org
Jun 18, 2024
42 min

Monday is Oneday to get a Mental Health Tip! If you don't plan time for self-care needs, they will happen anyway. The difference is that they will happen once we crash and will be surrounded by same. For the month of June The Broken Brain is encouraging you to support and share OutNebraska, an organization helping make Nebraska a safer & healthier place for Queer people: www.outnebraska.org
Jun 17, 2024
4 min

This week's dive into Mental Health History profiles Magnus Hirschfeld, German Sexologist, Physician, and LGBTQA+ advocate from the early twentieth century. He established the first Gender Affirming clinic and Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation research institute, which was destroyed by Hitler's regime in the 1930s. The weekly Thursday Thistory episodes go up on our Patreon page, and 1 per month is shared for all on the regular feed. To hear all of these history stories, videos of all interviews, and more bonus materials, go to www.patreon.com/brokenbrain
Jun 13, 2024
17 min
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