TED Radio Hour Podcast
TED Radio Hour
via Podcasts
Contents and explorations
I love most of the contents . Also great ways to explore new books and writer .
NPR fan03
Typical corporate media take on climate issues that biases toward capital and imperial powers. To celebrate Noor and similar developments that robbed the indigenous communities’ sovereignty is ignorant to say the least, hypocritical if the team has done their homework.
They have now destroyed Ted Talks.
It’s sad really. The host has these childlike reactions to the guests. The show doesn’t need a host anyway. They have too many commercials. The talks they have now are very one sided, it’s repulsive how “as matter of fact” they are. The political nature of the show has ruined this one. Unfollow.
Meh kind of boring and not interesting
Much prefer 99% Invisible or Throughline.
Downhill recently
If I were not subscribed in the past I would absolutely not subscribe now. It’s annoying how the new host gasps/has childish reactions when guests say interesting things/reveal their points. I could really do workout the melodramatic reactions to basic statements. It’s also annoying how the host seems to not know much about their guests’ work. Maybe the host is too busy to properly research guests, but it’s been particularly bad recently. Additionally, it’s ridiculous that the host would receive criticism about the way her voice sounds and then get on Twitter to complain about the criticism and frame it as sexism. Unbelievable that criticizing a nasally voice is now sexiest lol.
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Pod fan 5838
I love how our relationships are changing in the age of artificial intimacy
It was so good. I loved it so much my dad does not like it but I listened to it for two days today and yesterday. It is one of my favorite podcast.
Grossed out and horrified by the legitimate entertainment and promotion of people who are suggesting that artificial intelligence can replace legitimate human connection in any way. I find the fact that is being at all entertained to be completely nihilist and genuinely horrifying and as close a thing as evil as can exist. I’m repelled.
needs fact checking
Perhaps this is a review on TED as a whole, but I would feel much better about the show if there was reliable fact checking. Sometimes smart people mess up numerical facts (and facts in general) in interviews and those slip ups shouldn’t be broadcasted. Even if confirmation bias lets them fly by most of the TED audience. As an example, saying 1000 cities reusing/refurbishing goods would reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by 63% is insane if you look at a graph of what sectors worldwide emissions are coming from. In fact, in all the episodes I have listened to I have never heard them correct or clarify a statement made by an interviewee. You can’t control what people say in their talk but this podcast offers the perfect opportunity to fix things in post.
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Revised rating.
I have revised my rating from 5 stars to 2 stars as TED has moved over the past year from a diverse group of speakers from differing world views to a much more political program focused on “progressive” ideology over evidence based factual reporting. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that those progressive ideas deserve a voice but not at the exclusion of other ideas that may fall on the more conservative political position or favor capitalism and market based solutions. The assumption that all their listeners are of the same political persuasion is the opposite of diversity. After a frustrating year, I plan to unsubscribed and now will only download the topics that are clearly legacy Technology, Entertainment and Design subject matter. Update July 24. It’s unfortunate that NPR solicits feedback and takes none of it to heart. I’ve seen several critiques that mirror what I’ve written here, used to be a faithful listener but now it’s less science and fact driven and more politically inspired. I’ll save you the time of listening, everything bad that happens in our world is related to man made climate changes, systemic racism and capitalism. There, I just saved you hours of your life.
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A loyal listener for far too long to remember. What I do remember is when the original host stepped away, leaving the new host to take the lead. I recall writing to complain that I didn’t appreciate such a change. You know what, I continued listening and now I can’t even remember the void I felt when the original host left the show. She’s that good. Listen. You won’t be disappointed.
I learn something new every time!
Love the various subjects TED touches on! Fabulous!
TED Radio Hour
Consistently excellent. Ms Zomorodi is smart and warm, connects w TED speakers, and chooses interesting issues, themes, and speakers
Bruce E.C.
My favorite “learn something new” show
Love this show! I always learn something new and the interviewing is really smart and engaging.
Excellent and Thought Provoking
I like some episodes more than others but on the whole, these podcasts are excellent! I have learned something from each one. If you have a natural curiosity about the world and are open to learning more about it, I highly recommend giving this series a try.
Rum de la Rum
Disingenuous Discourse
TEDtalks de-platforming Coleman Hughes shows have far this method of discourse has degenerated into an outright enemy of critical thought. Couple this with the recent editor coming forward about disturbingly overt bias just goes to show that intellectual honesty cannot be found here anymore.
It’s fine. Was a perfect retort. :)
it is fine
some so-called experts are truly cringy in their unadulterated belief that their fakery is being swallowed hook line sinker otherwise it is clearly a well-funded enterprise benefitting from expensive production editing support
food for thought 👍
A thoughtful person’s food for thought 👍
Love the show, disappointed by gate keeping
I am a sustaining member of NPR. Have been for years. I love this show among others. I am disappointed by the pay wall that is created for certain content. I hear the argument that it’s shorter content and very specific and it’s to incentivize donations to the show so it can keep going. It’s a *public radio* show. This arrangement means that people who can’t give a dollar per show they like can’t access that extra content. Never thought I’d see the day.
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mi band gone
Need improvement
This used to be my favorite podcast, not anymore, too many repeated episodes, many episodes are only available to paid subscribers, the content is biased, narrow, not like real TED talk. Need some serious improvement!!!
Surprised People Hear Same Thing
I haven’t listened to this cast since 2017. I stopped listening because it was heavily politicized and loved to bash God. I had told a group friends that the other day and then decided to give it another chance to prove me wrong here in 2024. I’ve listened to Manoush on her old podcast back then too and I think she is great. I have nothing bad to say about her. She’s clear and to the point and has a gift of sounding like someone you want to listen to very much like Guy before here. Still, I am refreshed by seeing so many reviews that are not here for having politics forced down their throats. I thought TED was about science folks. I’m going to go ahead and not waste my time listening cause time is too precious.
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Love Body Electric
I love TED and especially love Body Electric! I really identified with Dana’s story and look forward to feeling better, more human.
Too much victimism. Please encourage people to be strong and to overcome.
Too much victimism. Please encourage people to be strong and to overcome.
Fascinating, engaging, fun and well produced!
TED will change your life.
Background Music
Unlistenable because of really annoying and distracting background music constantly played over conversations. Couldn’t make it through an episode. Classic case of overproduction tanking an otherwise solid experience. Skip it.
Stop the "music"
Why to tracks have all that non-music noise behind the spoken word! Why, why? What purpose does it serve? If the speaker's delivery, script, and factual content cannot carry the story, and hold an audience, how is the bad plinky noises and weird synthesizer sounds supposed to help? Just stop it. Fire your producers and stop over-producing the tracks. Just stop. I don't play a sound track in my head when speaking intimately and intensely with friends. No one is assigned to hum a tuneless tune while we converse. I don't put on a recording when I am deep into a book or imagine musical sounds to go along with the dialog. Just stop. It's just bad.
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Anita - R
College radio for smug wokes
College radio for smug wokes yet it is now in the Apple podcast top 100 when it never was before. NPR is state sponsored media and big tech is their partner. Eat your bugs.
I used to listen to this podcast every morning but once it got taken over it has not been good. The content is distasteful and not worthy of my time. Heavily skewed and biased. The least important of all, I just cannot stand her voice.
Want some (mostly) good news in your life?
Because of my work I’m frequently asked if there’s any good news in these turbulent and fearful days. Invariably I send them to Ted Radio Hour to realize, and celebrate, the truly good, wonderful and hopeful things people are doing. TRH is a terrific answer and a balm when people are gasping at the news and grasping for something good and positive. Immmense thanks.
Woke fire trash. I’m set to burn my own witch burning kit I bought from Amazon! just setting up my witch burning kit from NPR donate-a-thon.
and hi the egg hi knf
Once was a great podcast
Now too political and intentionally woke without the interesting conversation, curiosity, or creativity
Informative and entertaining
I’m hooked. Been listening for years now. So many times I couldn’t get out of the car because I was so engulfed in the podcast!
Not just interesting, but life changing
Listening to research from around the world from a multitude of experts of all ages, cultures, languages, and perspectives, I have not only learned how to change my own daily habits for the better but also to: work more effectively with teens in my profession as a social worker, train my dog more impact fully, and understand my own mental illness. I send TEDTalks to family members and friends that result in such interesting conversations and debates and am always looking forward to the next episode!
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I disagree with ms parker. she said, when we select these animals/dogs to work with us she mentions herding, etc. but she would be wrong. the truth is that dogs which were wolves in way way back time, actually initiated first contact with humans. during their tough food times they would go around human camps of that day for scraps. that is how the relationship between wolves and humans began and the humans of that time welcomed the wolves which later evolved into domesticated dogs they could then train for working companions but my point is the wolves took the first step towards humans.
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Read below for my review
NPR is now just state sponsored propaganda. I could never refer this to any lister without feeling guilty on some sort of level.
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The Golden Standard
Indispensable culture content that always invokes thought and challenges one to change perceptions.
A. Adisa Lawrence
Manoush + the agenda ruined it
Manoush is the wrong person to take over from Guy and the woke political agenda is too forced it’s affected the quality and added value this once had. Also Manoush’s voice takes away from it.
Child of Verona
Repeat episodes too much
I counted that over half the episodes this summer were reruns.
So so good!
I love this podcast so much. The episodes are always interesting and show me new and insightful perspectives. I’ve learned so much from listening to it and there are several episodes I return to again and again. You should absolutely check out this show.
So many lies!
It’s disappointing to see that NPR gives credence to TED talks when so many have been proven to be full of lies and half truths.
Enlightening Podcast!
I really enjoy this podcast. Manoush Zomerodi interviews some amazing people. I have learned so much about life from this podcast. I love how Manoush phrases her questions to guests. It really motivates my thoughts on the subject. I have been a fan of Manoush for a few years. I discovered her when she did the Zig Zag podcast with Jen Poyant. Looking forward to the next episode! Keep up the good work. I am about to sign up for the plus subscription. Thanks,Todd
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Todd the Electrician.
Minoush Ruined it
This used to be my absolute favorite podcast. TED is technology, entertainment, design- but it’s never about that anymore. Bring in a new host
Used to love listening to TED podcasts. It has gone completely woke. I refuse to listen to these talks that encourage the spread of lies and propaganda and follow in lockstep with the corrupt government agendas. I miss listening to talks in which I could actually learn something of value and be exposed to people using their skills and knowledge to make the world a better place. TED, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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Tried Many Times. But, Regretfully, No.
1) Voice characteristics are a huge factor for podcasts. I am a woman who tries to support other women. Simply cannot get through most segments with Manoush. Too nasal. Often doesn’t sound sincere. Not a gender issue because there are many many other women hosts whose voices and interactions/reactions I enjoy. 2) I’m happily as woke as can be. With the awful spewing firehose of news for several years now, TED Radio Hour was often a refreshing mostly non-political break. Not anymore. Help! Please return to tech, entertainment, design emphasis that is your name and identity. I am drowning in everything becoming all political all the time.
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Fmr Zoomer
Can’t listen anymore
There’s nothing Technology Entertainment or Design about this show anymore. There’s no discussion of science or bright new ideas, everything has to have a left political spin to it. An episode titled “DIY”, makes me think it’s about home projects. Nope, it’s about LGBTQ and women in the workforce. It’s unbearable to listen to anymore. Stop catering to the 0.6%, NPR. Byeeeeee
Social justice not TED
Good content but it has turned into social justice content not TED. I’m already inundated with social justice and politics, this podcast used to be a place to come and learn new ideas without also hearing a “message”. Also interviews are sub par. Miss you Guy!
No longer TED
This show has gone completely off topic Nothing to do with Technology, Education and Design like it once was. jUst boring inane B.S.
Pure propaganda
I used to be such a big fan but not any more. For the last several years this show turned into complete garbage. Each episode is just a compilation of old ones with some propaganda talks. They manage to turn every topic to propaganda talks about whit supremacy, Republican Party and Trump. The can start from research about whales and somehow end up with Trump the worst president 🤷‍♂️
Still figuring itself out
I can appreciate the new spin that Manoush puts on the pod, but I do think that her episodes could use more information about technology, entertainment and design. There is a way to make episodes about those topics while also putting them into the context of a social justice framework, but it doesnt seem like the newer episodes have figured out how to do both of those at the same time while staying engaging.
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